Christine's Wish List -- pics I'd love to see!

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Gargoyle Characters

Newest additions at bottom: Joy, by Spacebabie (June 2005)
Joy -- by Christi Smith Hayden
Angus and Coldfire -- by Theresa
Crimson ("Something Old, Something New) -- by Krystiana
Ventura (clone of Angela, presumed dead) -- by Jennifer L. Anderson
Amber as a toddler -- by Lady Foxglove
Fawn, a hatchling of the London Clan -- by Lady Foxglove
Drake, a hatchling of the London Clan -- by Lady Foxglove
Angus, son of Coldstone -- by Christi Smith Hayden
Joy, Hudson's lost love -- by Noel Leas
Demona ("The Heist") -- by Noel Leas
Reaper, Melusine, and Imp (the Pirate Clan) -- by Jessie Feff
(warning, mild nudity)
Fawn and Drake (of the London Clan) -- by Noel Leas
MacBeth and the Pirate Clan -- by Noel Leas
Ventura, from "Dark Beauty" -- by Noel Leas
Young Hudson, from "The Guardians: Alchemist", by Jennifer L. Anderson
Damien's Baby Book, by Egg Adoption
Adult Amber, by Eva Sólveig Þrastardóttir
Young Amber, by Eva Sólveig Þrastardóttir
Young Hudson, by Christi Smith Hayden
Amber, by Adrienne
Ventura, by Eva Sólveig Þrastardóttir
Ventura, by Naiomi
Amber and Goliath's Halloween, by Eva Sólveig Þrastardóttir
Corwin, by Eva Sólveig Þrastardóttir
Baby Amber, by Eva Sólveig Þrastardóttir
Brand of the Pirate Clan, by Zath
Damien, by Anthony "Anton" William Pajerski (Demona May's son)
Damien, by Demona May
Damien, by Jennifer L. Anderson
Angus -- by Daniel DiCenso
Broadway and Birdie -- by Daniel DiCenso
Amber and her Daga -- by Demona May Stephens
Crimson -- by Zath
Delilah and Ventura -- by Shingami
Angus -- by Kae-Lin
Joy -- by Kae-Lin
Canon character portraits -- by Nicky Dee
Damien -- by Terry-Ann
Hatchling Damien -- by Terry-Ann
Joy -- by Spacebabie
Sketches by Rikki:
Angus and Sonia
Ohta, Hoshi and hatchlings

Piltdown & Hatchlings

 Jericho / Godiva/Aiden / Elektra / Scenes / Humans / Gargoyles / Others / Dissidents / Guardians

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Page content copyright 1992-1999 by Christine Morgan unless otherwise attributed.  Some works may be based on copyrighted or trademarked characters that belong to someone else.  Their use here is not meant to be a threat to those copyrights or trademarks, and are used here without permission.  Their use here is not for commercial purposes, but  because of our love for and the enjoyment that those characters have given us, and we can't stand to see them sit idlely by and not have more exciting adventures. 
Page design copyright 1998 Tim Morgan. 
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