Freenrg-L Discussion Group


FREENRG-L is for the discussion of experiments and devices which exhibit 
anomalous energy production (or consumption!), or which violate 
currently-accepted physics theory.  This includes:

  * "Overunity"
  * Electrogravity & inertia violation
  * Scalar Electromagnetism
  * Psi phenomena and Paranormal
  * Relativity violation

...and any similar topics which the regular users consider interesting
(ask us!)  The discussion is limited to experimentalism.  Or theory-led
experiments. Or theoretical implications of experiments.  This is not a
forum for all those controversial physics theories being ignored by
mainstream science. Try NEOTECH for those.  But if your theory leads
directly to interesting, testable, real-world phenomena, then by all means
discuss the experimental possibilites.  If your experiments reveal
anomalies not predicted by ANY theory, definitely jump right in and
discuss your findings.  Also it's very acceptable to publish theoretical
work on a web page and announce its presence here. 

Some Files

This list is for the discussion of experiments and devices which exhibit anomalous energy production (or consumption!), or which violate currently-accepted physics theory. This includes: ...and any similar topics which the regular users consider interesting (ask us!)
Webpage & archive - - - - - - http://www.eskimo.com/~bilb/freenrgl/flist.html
Send subscribe/unsubscribe commands to - - - freenrg-L-request@eskimo.com
Send messages to - - - - - - - - - - - - - - freenrg-L@eskimo.com
List owner - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - billb@eskimo.com
Inspired by  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Jerry Decker's Keelynet BBS,
                                                 214-324-3501 (TX, usa)



  If your email account bounces mail for several days continuously,
  you will be automatically unsubscribed from freenrg-L.  This is done
  to prevent mail loops and excessive bounced-mail error messages.
  When the Unsubscriber takes you out, it sends a message notifying you
  that this has happened.  Unfortunately, this warning message usually
  bounces too, so you won't know why Freenrg-L has suddenly gone dead.  If
  you suspect that you've been automatically unsubscribed, simply
  re-subscribe yourself. Any missing messages can be found at the
  freenrg-L webpage, in the archive.  And complain to your internet
  provider that their system was bouncing mail back to the sender!



  A "digest" mode now exists for freenrg-L.  The digest is actually a
  separate email list called freenrg-digest@eskimo.com.  To use it,
  subscribe to the digest, then when you start receiving digest messages,
  unsubscribe yourself from the normal list.  To converse with list
  users, send your messages to freenrg-L@eskimo.com, and *not* to 
  freenrg-digest.  The subscribe/unsubscribe commands are the same
  as for freenrg-l, but the address for commands is:


  The digest will be sent out every two days, or when the collected
  messages pass a size threshold of 40K, whichever comes first.



1. Heavy on experimentalism.  Or theory-led experiments.  Or theoretical
   implications of experiments.  This is not a forum for all those
   controversial physics theories being ignored by mainstream science. Try
   NEOTECH for those.  But if your theory leads directly to interesting,
   testable, real-world phenomena, then by all means discuss the experimental
   possibilites.  If your experiments reveal anomalies not predicted by ANY
   theory, definitely jump right in and discuss your findings.  Also it's
   very acceptable to publish theoretical work on a web page and announce its
   presence here.

2. Flamewars are banned.  No namecalling or intentional insults on this
   list. Use private email if you want to be nasty.  To prevent spontaneous 
   flamewars, be ever aware of the psychology of email, since it is easy
   to misinterpret a message, hear unintentional insults, and respond in
   kind.  If you respond in kind to a nonexistant insult, then *you* threw
   the first punch.  So, if you feel offended, first ask the author if a
   particular statement is intended to be insulting.  You might get an
   explanation or apology.  If you respond in kind to a genuine insult,
   you lower yourself to their level, participate in a flamewar, and
   jeapordize your subscription to the list.  And if you give a cool-
   headed response to an obvious attack, you make your attacker look
   like a flamer.  If you absolutely must respond to insults, do
   it via private email, keep it OFF freenrg-L.

3. Ridicule, debunkery and believer/skeptic flamewars are banned.
   Let's just say that freenrg-list is a big nasty nest of "true
   believers" (having maybe a bit of rational skepticism,) and let the
   skeptics leave in disgust.  The tone should be one of legitimate
   disagreements and respectful debate.

4. Small email files please.  The limit is set to 40K right now, those
   exceeding the limit will be bounced back to you.  Some
   members are on limited service, or have to pay for received email.
   Larger diagrams and graphics can be mailed directly to interested
   parties.  Or, contact me and we can place them on the FREENRG-L
   webpage for viewing.

5. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE: when you reply to a message DON'T include the
   ENTIRE message in your reply.  Always edit it and delete as much as
   possible.  The entire message should only be included if: (A) you are
   replying to a message that is several days old, or (B) you are doing
   a point-by-point reply to many parts of a message.  Several users
   must pay by the kilobyte for receiving message traffic, and large
   amounts of redundant messages slow down eskimo.com and cause the
   freenrg-L traffic to be delayed.  For those of us keeping logs of
   freenrg-L messages, the redundant messages unnecessarily double or
   triple the file size!  So, when including a quoted message
   in your reply, ALWAYS DELETE SOMETHING.

6. "Junkmail" email advertizing will not be tolerated.  While not illegal,
   widecasting of junk email ads to listserv sites is against the
   Unwritten Rules of the Internet.  Anyone who spams freenrg-list with
   off-topic advertizing will be referred to the Internet Vigilante
   Justice team.   ;)    Occasional on-topic advertizing by regular
   freenrg-list users is acceptable.  Used equipment ads yes, get rich
   quick schemes no.  Note: WEIRD SCIENCE now has a free for-sale area.


# of users   Date
   1 ....... 09/03/95
  28 ....... 10/07/95
  97 ....... 10/22/95
 114 ....... 11/18/95
 133 ....... 12/03/95
 153 ....... 12/27/95
 285 ....... 11/27/96
 310 ....... 12/06/97
 316 ....... 09/13/98 
 337 ....... 01/10/99

Created and maintained by Bill Beaty. Mail me at: billb@eskimo.com.
If you are using Lynx, type "c" to email.