For those with interest, here's the first page of the Torsion Fields
SCIENCE, available (still, I think, ) from Alex. V. Frolov,
A.E. Akimov, G. I. Shipov, 1996
The adequacy of perceiving Nature is commensurate with our knowledge of
the laws operating in it. The history of Natural Science evolution in at
least the latter one hundred years testifies to the fact that reasearch
results have appeared which fail to be explained in terms of conventional
scientific notions, and offers upright evidence of the incompleteness of
our knowledge of Nature.
Over the course of latter decades it has been constantly stated that all
familiar phenomena of Nature and experimental results were explained by
four known interactions: electromagnetism, gravitation, strong, and weak
interactions. However, in the last fifty years, around twenty research
results have piled up without finding any explanation within the framework
of these interactions[1].
Beyond any connection with such a high-strung setup for the given stage of
the Natural Science development, the quest for new long-range actions has
been underway ever since the thirties. It will suffice to point out the
works of H. Tetrode[2] and A. F. Fokker[3] and later to those of J.
Wheeler's and R. Feynman's [4,5] as well as other authors. However these
works failed to receive their rightful boost. Only torsion fields
concepts constituted an explanation.
The torsion fields (spin fields) theory is a traditional trend in
theoretical physics dating back to the works of the second half of the
last century. Nonetheless in its present day mold the theory of torsion
fields has been formulated owing to the ideas of Eli Cartan who was the
first to indicate clearly and definitely that there exist in Nature the
fields generated by the spin angular momentum density. To date, world
periodicals reference to torsion fields amount to the order of 10,000
articles belonging to about a hundred authors. Over one half of those
theorists work in Russia alone.
In spite of a sufficiently elaborated theoretical body, torsion fields
have persisted to be a solely theoretical subject until the early seventies
of our century. It was due to this fact that they failed to become as
universal a factor as electrodynamics or gravitation. More than that,
there existed a theoretical inference that since the constant of
spin-torsion interactions was proportionate to the product of G x hbar (G
- gravitation constant, hbar - Plank's constant), i.e. it was almost 30
orders of magnitude weaker than gravitation interactions, then even if
torsion effects did exist in Nature, they could not contribute noticably
to the observed phenomena.
However, in the early 70s by virtue of the works by F. Hehl [6-8], T.
Kibble[9], D. Sciama[10], et. al, it was demonstrated that this conclusion
holds true not for torsion fields in general but only for static torsion
fields generated by spinning sources without radiation.
A considerable number of works on the theory of dynamic torsion (a
spinning source with emission) has come out in the ensuing 20 years.
These works have displayed that the Lagrangian of the spinning source with
emission may contain as much as a ten of terms with constants that are in
no way dependent either on G or hbar, concerning which the theory imposes
no requirements as to their mandatory infinitesimal. The specialists in
the theory of torsion fields are well aware of this fact. Nevertheless
the traditional point of view on the infinitesimal of spin-torsion
interactions' constants remained in the consecutive 15 years to be a
psychological disturbance for the experimenters that attracted them away
from an intent and comprehensive search for the experimental
manifestations of torsion effects. It was only in the early 80s that in
Russia attention was paid to the global role of the torsion fields dynamic
theory findings. It was then that heed was given to the presence in
physics of a vast experimental phenomenolgy containing many experimental
results nonexplained in terms of four known interactions, while denoting
the experimental manifestation of torsion effects. With the devising in
Russia in the 80s of the world's first torsion field generators, target-
designated research work was unfolded and put into effect along numerous
directions of searching for torsion fields manifestations, which yielded a
large volume of practical results.
Page 1 of 30, Continued in:
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