EAGLE RESEARCH, Wiseman's "Brown's Gas" company newsletter on running cars
on water, home power systems, Free Energy technology. To
subscribe, send a blank message to this address, and put
"subscribe newsletter" in the subject line (no quotes)
WEIRDSCIENCE, the Weird Science Society Mailing List. To subscribe, send
this one-line message to majordomo@integral.org
subscribe weirdscience
HV LIST is a high voltage experimenters' list. Electrostatics,
electrodynamics, vacuum experimentation, and the like. No
Tesla Coil stuff, try elsewhere for those. To subscribe,
ask the administrator at hvadmin@anchorage.ab.umd.edu.
ORGONOMY, for those interested in W. Reich and Orgone energy. By Shawn
Wilbur and Spoon Collective. To subscribe, send this one-line
message to majordomo@jefferson.village.virginia.edu:
subscribe orgonomy
BUFO'S WEIRD WORLD covers the gamut of unexplained events. It is known
for its sense of humour and critical thinking approach. Typically,
a page or two (never more than 150 lines at a time) is sent out
once or twice a week. To subscribe, send e-mail to Bufo Calvin at
PSYCHOCERAMICS List for discussing crackpots and kooks, and exchanging
crackpot literature. To subscribe, send this one-line
command to majordomo@zikzak.net:
subscribe psychoceramics
(or "subscribe psychoceramics-digest", if you prefer
digest-style distribution.)
ELECTRON Discussion list for electronics teachers. To subscribe, send
this one-line command to ELECTRON-Request@CCTR.UMKC.EDU:
subscribe electron
FREAKS Discussion list for twisted writings on Newsgroups. Snide and
distasteful, oboy! To subscribe, send this one-line message to
subscribe freaks
info-holo The holograpy list for the SPIE. To subscribe, send this
one-line message to info-request@spie.org:
subscribe info-holo
MINI-AIR Annals of Improbable Research distribution list. (They run
the ig-nobel prize awards) To subscribe, send this one-line
message to listproc@air.harvard.edu:
subscribe mini-air
PHYS-L Discussion list for physics teachers. Great fun! To subscribe,
send this one-line message to listserv@listserve.net:
subscribe phys-l
TAP-L Discussion list about physics teaching apparatus. To subscribe,
send this one-line message to listserv@lester.appstate.edu:
subscribe tap-l
To keyword-search the entire (huge) list of bitnet listserves, send this
one-line message to listserv@listserv.net:
lists global /physics
Of course use some other keyword in place of "physics"
And be aware that you usually can get full instructions from any listserv
by sending the word "help" (no quotes) to any of the above addresses.