I maintain a registry for the club. I have over 3000 listings of Kaisers, Frazers, and Henry J's. Some of these listings date back to the late 60's, when Richard Langworth was active in the club. Of course many listings are for cars that no longer exist.
The registry has provided much information about Kaiser production, and trim and paint options. We're always looking for cars that have not been registered, to be added to the list. I can also provide information about a particular model to anyone interested. You can contact me at the following address:
Harold Hagen LM1435, 2428 SW Myrtle St, Seattle WA 98106. E-mail at hhagen@eskimo.com
To report a car to the registry, send me the numbers off the plates on the car. The serial number plate is on the driver's door post, and the trim plate is on the engine side of the firewall. 51 and later models also have a body number plate on the firewall.
The Darrin registry is kept separately by Dave Antram. You can reach him at 734 Antram Rd., Somerset PA 15501-8856
The On-Line Registry contains listings of all the cars reported to the KFOCI Registry since it was started by Richard Langworth in the late 60's, and continued by myself later.
The Kaiser-Frazer service sign came from Eatonville, Washington. We bought the sign in the late 60's, from Mr Van Eaton, who had owned the dealership. Eatonville is a small town in the foothills of Mt. Rainier, about 50 miles from Seattle.