Copyright ©: 1998-2000 NFKA
Lowrys and Haystack Rock

Patty & Ron Lowry and Haystack Rock

Cannon Beach Meet '98

When I pulled in on Friday night at 11pm the weather was damp. That night there was a deluge for an hour or so. Saturday turned sunny though with some puffy clouds scattered about for contrast. We met for breakfast downtown at Lazy Susans while attempting to plot out some order of proceeding.

Down at the beach, the wind was light. About 4 to 6 mph - perfect for fighter kites and it stayed fairly constant all day.

We started in on a round robin flyoff - everyone flys against everyone else. Things progressed steadily until we broke for lunch. Later we got everyone through the runoffs, but by then people were beginning to leave with several contestants still tied for points. Nobody seemed insistant on declaring a winner, so I thought it was one of the most sucessfull events we've held so far ;)

Tom Humphrey took several rolls of film and volunteered to scan the photos for our web site.

Richard HurdRon LowryBrian & Kevin
Richard Hurd, Ron Lowery, Brian Johnsen and Kevin McInnis

Dennis & BruceAss ortment
I think Dennis Crowley and Bruce Lambert down the beach, some backsides

Chuck Lund is taking responsibility for the Senior Fighter Challenge at WSIKF this coming August and built some gymkhana equipment to make things difficult. He asked us to test it out and offer suggestions for improvements. Here Bruce has pasted his kite on the paddle and I've nearly accomplished hitting the ground without assistance.
Torture Implements

Some Kites:

Raptor Randy Shannons' Raptor

Richard Richard Hurd and his
amazing box of kites

Bruce Bruce Lambert and his own
Orcon & Design Master kite

RockA Brian Johnsen and RockA fighter
( laserwrap sail: lots more color, really ! )

Thanks a whole lot Tom H !

After apertifs (mexican bug juice) several of us went out on the beach to take advantage of the steady light breeze and flew til the sun went down.

Sunday morning was a repeat of the previous flying conditions. The people who chose to stay another day had a very good morning flying before we started filtering out after noon.

Brian Johnsen