Copyright ©: 1999-2000 NFKA

Fort Vancouver, Wa. - June '99'99

  The day was ALMOST perfect!

  The sun was out, temperature around 70*+, flying fighters with friends and having fun conversations about all sorts of related and non-related fighter topics! The only thing missing was the wind.

Fort Vancouver Parade Ground

  Fort Vancouver park has a great fighter kite flying area, similar to the main field in the center of Fort Worden. But on Saturday, the 12 or so of us who came to fly had many good lessons to learn about flying in RADICALLY VARIABLE wind conditions!!

  The wind speed was from 0-4mph +/-. At one moment it would be 1mph from the north, the next moment 3mph from the southeast and the next moment 0 mph ! Quite a flying experience!

Fort Quarters Bldg.

  Thinking that the afternoon winds would improve we waited until then to do any competitive flying. But the conditions didn't change. So we decided to fly some competitive battles anyway.

  A 3 out of 5 line touch competition is what we decided on. Each of the flyers stood about 30' apart.

Dennis & Bruce

  It started out as an informal single elimination series. But it turned out to be more like the "king of the hill" style. A flyer would stay flying against successive competitors until he got beat, then everyone who wanted to fly against the new winner would line up until he was beat, etc. It was really interesting and fun! And evoked lots of cheering during each near miss and each point earned.

Patty flys in her own fashion

  At the end of the day there emerged the KING of the hill! Kevin MacInnis of Seattle. Kevins 2 sons were there cheering him on! He was unbeatable!!

Kevin & Ron

  One might come to the conclusion that Kevin had been sand bagging during all our previous competitions and decided to let'er rip on Saturday and show us how to fly! Well, he sure did teach us all a thing or two! Thanks for the lessons Kevin ;-)

  Kevin was flying a kite he recently designed and made. It had a mylar skin and was the perfect size etc for the day! Congratulations Kevin!!

Relaxed Flying

  One of the nicest aspects of our monthly get togethers is that no matter what sort of flying day I have, I walk away at the end of it feeling great and eager for the next time we meet! Flying with friends is a wonderful way to spend a day!!

  So, make a big cirlce on your calander around Saturday, JULY 10th . That is the date of the next NFKA fly. It is at the Westport Kite Festival on the Grayland Beach, Grayland, WA. Whether you are a new flyer, a wannabe flyer, or an experienced flyer, join in the fun.

  Everyone is welcome!

Bruce L.