"Sculpey III Creative Clay" ( not clay ) is a craft product made from PVC and a plasticizer. This soft material is sculpted to suit and cured with heat resulting in a hard, light, and durable mass.
Although the finished pieces may be painted, they come out of the oven with a real nice texture to them like fine abrasive paper ( that way the bridle won't slip ). Cured pieces may also be drilled, carved or sanded. The gunk is sold in 1 oz. bars or kits, available in 12 colors and is reasonably priced. Grab a slab and play around with it some.
Available at art, craft, toy and hobby stores, or, write our friends at Polyform - 'The Sculpey People!'
Intended for use by ages 6 and up.
Coriolis,moving,velocity,rotation,impartsanaccelerationthatis perpendiculartotheobject'sflightpath.Theresultisacurvedtrajec tory.Themagnitudeoftheaccelerationisproportionaltotheobject's speedandvarieswithitslatitude(fromzeroattheequatormaximumatth epoles(latitude:45.5degreesNorthorsoslackfloatidriftingaa10mp hwind.10mphCoriolisaccelerationisonlyonetwentyonethousandandt htheaccelerationofgravity.rateofsixthousandthsofadegreepersec ond.Inanhour,flightby21.5degrees.clockwiseSouthernhemisphere, directionreversed.airat10mph,milesCoriolis acceleration.(whic hisanangularrotationratherthandisplacement).TheCoriolisaccele rationdifferencelattitude10 mph.45.5degreesheight latitude(16 )is45.500004degreesNorth.Coriolisacceleration 0.000000000104f eet-per-second-squaredangularacceleration0.00000000442 degree s-per-second-squared.resultrotation0.0286degrees(clockwisefro mCoriolisaccelerationrotation16.5degrees!CoriolisAerodynamicsGordon (Dr.) Schmidt wrote [snip]
Aerodynamics is everything when it comes to making fighters spin.