1996 Alcan Winter Rally - Day Five 

 Dawson City, Yukon, to Fairbanks, Alaska . . . the long way

Day Five was the first of the two most challenging days of the rally. The day started with a 6 am departure from Damson City. Far too early considering the time I left the bar at the Eldorado Hotel! Due to the winter closure of the road from Dawson to Tok, the rally route headed south to near Whitehorse before heading north to Tok, a 600 mile drive. Dawson to Tok by snowmobile is about 100 miles. While taking a dinner break in Tok, I talked to a member of a large group that was going to make the direct trip to Dawson by snowmobile. I didn't ask him how long the trip would be, but I would bet it would be less than the 10 or so hours it took us by car. . . the long way.

We reached Fairbanks at around 11:30pm, 18 hours and 900 miles down the road from Dawson. Because Day Six started with a 3:30 am departure, my partner and I decided to skip the expense of a hotel room. I had spent the last several hours sitting in the left seat of the Toyota trying to stay awake, so I knew that being able to sleep in the car wouldn't be a problem.


Kluane Lake sets at the base of the Wrangell Mountains, and near Mt. Logan which is the highest point in the Yukon at 19,524 ft. At a length of nearly 50 miles, Kluane Lake is one of the longest lakes in the Yukon. Fairbanks lies about 480 miles away, towards the far horizon.


Burwash Landing is one of several small communities along the western edge of Kluane Lake.


This photo was taken a little north of Kluane Lake, a scenic spot to be delayed at by road construction. Also, the only section of the Alcan that wasn't paved.


Sunset in eastern Alaska



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