1. Junction of Rtes. 165 and 138, near CT-RI border
  2. Chepachet Cemetery, Rhode Island
  3. Field north of Chepachet, RI
  4. Charles River workout station, Boston
  5. Sturbridge, Massachusetts
  6. Route map superimposed on The Weather Channel report's map
  7. Woronoco, MA; known for paper manufacturing and the abrupt beginning of the Berkshire Mountains
  8. No, it's not Hillside yet; this is Hillsdale, at the MA-NY state line; only about 150 miles from Hillside
  9. About 2 miles from Hillside; PA Rte. 848 at I-81
  10. Wrestlers' Welcome Cake at Hillside
  11. Going for the pin (Thursday)
  12. Another match on Sunday

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Last updated: October 6, 1997.