The two dictionary programs here may expand to three or more, before I get around to consolidating them into one dictionary program that can search multiple sources, including dict servers.

Duncan is an English-Thai dictionary. It was developed on Mac OS X, using the Cocoa libraries. The GNUstep port that can be found here, was done by me. It was very easy to do; primarily requiring only new interface files, and build files.
- Localized for Thai.
- Full source code available.
- Free: Released under the GNU General Public Licence 2.0
- A recent version of the GNUstep core libraries

Jishyo is an English -> Japanese dictionary. Currently it only supports English queries. In the future I hope to add support for kana and kanji queries, as well as multi-radical lookups for kanji. Jishyo is based in large part on code from Jim Breen's xjdic. It also uses the dictionary data from the same software.
- 'exact', 'similar', and 'related' queries, that return successively greater number of results.
- Localized for Thai and Japanese.
- Full source code available.
- Free: Released under the GNU General Public Licence 2.0
- A recent version of the GNUstep core libraries
- Browse: http://paiges.net/svn/Jishyo/
- Chechkout: svn co http://paiges.net/svn/Jishyo/Trunk/