The maintenance is completed but just about anything that could go wrong did.
I brought an old 3×4 style monitor because I had intended to move just Sparc equipment which has an 1152×900 resolution. That is close enough to 1200×900 that the old ViewSonic 3×4 style monitors will sync to it.
In the process I managed to snag the cord to both existing hosts / file servers and basically take everything down.
The old monitor will not sync to the 1680×1050 resolution of the modern equipment except one modern servers will step down to 1200×900 resolution.
After accidentally powering everything down that was my only window to bring things back up. The file server with all the user information failed to start rpc.mountd, so none of the other machines could mount file systems from it. After fixing that I had to reboot every other machine.
I got the rack re-arranged so it can accommodate another couple of monster cases which in turn accommodates more drivers for RAID10 file systems and Hyper 212 Evo coolers to replace the Intel stock coolers.
With the stock Intel coolers, the CPUs were overheating and throttling, with just an ordinary work load, resulting in slower performance. Now they can run full tilt all four cores doing prime95 or the Linux equivalent, mprime, all day and never exceed 65°C. They throttle at 74°C so that basically means they can run in turbo mode indefinitely now even with the most demanding work loads.
I also have all the power and Ethernet cables routed nicely and strapped down now instead of running all over so less likely to accidentally unplug a server in the future.
But I wasn’t able to get one server back in service yet because I didn’t have a monitor I could see to configure it so will have to make another trip down there tomorrow to finish it. However, since this server currently has no services on it and all the cabling is now neatly strapped, this should not be service impacting.