These are our crawl stats for October and November:
Our website is about 99% WordPress based and 100% SSL encrypted, so these stats represent really worst case speeds since it is both interpreted PHP code and encrypted, also most of our site uses only fragment and SQL caching and not overall page caching because of it’s dynamic nature.
In this two month interval our absolute worst response time was 310ms and average 124ms. This is with each users PHP code running under it’s own UID, so security was not compromised to achieve this fast response.
I have put a great deal of effort and resources into optimizing web response times because it provides the end user with the best possible web experience, one where he or she pushes the button and the page is instantly there. I’ve read that Google rewards sites which average less than 200ms latency with higher rankings in the search results. Having your site hosted here will help your rankings.
I challenge anyone who has websites hosted elsewhere that are PHP based and https encrypted to compare your Google crawl stat results to sites hosted here.