The physical host upon which the mail spool sits is down. It is also the NIS slave that many of the machines slave off of so they won’t authenticate.
I have to wait for a ride to get to where my car is and then from there make my way down to the co-location facility. Because it will be rush hour by the time I get to my car it is going to take a while to get to the co-location facility.
Once I get the mail server back up I am going to begin copying the spool from it to another physical machine and then move the virtual hosts off that box. The fact that it has crashed twice in a weeks time suggests there is some marginal hardware issue with the machine.
Since I had planned to upgrade it anyway I am going to move everything off the existing machine and then replace the motherboard, CPU, and memory.
I hope to have the old hardware back up and operational by around 9AM. It just depends upon how bad traffic is.