Android Studio is now installed on Debian.Eskiimo.Com, Julinux.Yellow-Snow.Net, Ubuntu.Eskimo.Com, and Zorin.Eskimo.Com.
For those interested in developing Android Apps, Android Studios are available on the above three shell servers. To use it, you must have x2go installed on your computer and use it to connect to one of the above servers. In x2go, before you connect, select “Mate” as the desktop Manager.
After you logged in under the Applications pull down menu, select Programming->Android Studio. It takes a while to start up so be patient. It will be fastest on Ubuntu.
Something worth noting, Mint and Ubuntu both have Oracle Java 10 installed, the other machines have JDK 8 installed. It is known JDK 8 is missing some libraries so some applications may not compile on these machines.