I am going to make a second attempt at upgrading the mail server starting at around 6PM tonight. I believe I know what I did wrong to cause it to fail the first time. If all goes well there will be only minimal downtime (a minute or so to reboot). If all doesn’t go well there will be 45 minutes or so to restore from backups again.
Monthly Archives: April 2020
Ubuntu Still Upgrading
Ubuntu is still in the process of upgrading. Probably another two hours or so to go, around 6PM I am estimating. The 20.04 upgrade is large, over 6280 packages to be upgraded and close to 1000 to install.
Ubuntu Out of Service
Ubuntu is out of service owing to an upgrade that blew up. It is in the progress of updating still. In the meantime please use one of the other available shell servers listed here:
Debian, Mint, Julinux, and Zorin are all based on similar code and will have most of the same applications available.
Mail is back up however there is something wrong with either opendkim, opendmarc, or both, so for now these features are temporarily disabled.
Our mail server, mail.eskimo.com, is temporarily out of service owing to a failed upgrade. I am working on reverting back to the previous software. Estimated restoral time approximately 3AM Pacific Standard Time.
Iglulik Spontaneous Boot
The machine which holds the home directories and web server spontaneously booted this morning about 9:45 AM.
After it booted, the NFS mounts on the web server did not mount properly requiring it to be rebooted.
As far as I know all services are restored.
Web Server Interruption / Speed
I apologize for the slowdown and short interruption of the web server this afternoon. Normal traffic during the day is around 6 hits/second, but this afternoon it peaked at just under double that and the load crept up pretty high.
I took a look at resources and noticed it was running low on RAM so allocated another 8GB and then it settled down and ran okay but it required a reboot to make that change effective.
5.6 Tickless Kernels
Kernel Updates
Over the next week or two, I will be updating system kernels to 5.6 kernels. This provides some additional performance enhancements verses 5.5. It allows server-to-server copies in NFS and it allows peripheral-to-peripheral DMA on the hardware side which should improve the efficiencies of things like disk to disk copies by not requiring the CPU to intervene other than to setup the DMA transfer. On my workstation it has also been somewhat more stable although I have not seen stability issues with 5.5 on the servers.
Web Server Updated
Our web server is now running Apache 2.4.43 and openssl 1.1.1f. This mainly fixes minor security issues in both packages.