Eskimo Maintenance Work 11PM – 1AM Aug 30-31 Pacific Daylight Time

      I am going to be booting one of the physical servers (Iglulik) into a new 5.14 kernel tonight and this will take the web server, Mint, Debian, and Ubuntu shell servers down for a short interval, approximately ten minutes, EXCEPT the web server.

     The web server will be down longer because the upgrade to 5.14 requires rebuilding the iomemory drivers for the flash drive used for our MariaDB database.

     This will mean also that,, and

     Other web based services such as Squirrelmail will also be unavailable during this time frame.  Home directories for all shell servers will be temporarily unavailable during the reboot but should be available within about five minutes.  You can access e-mail via the shell servers or via IMAP/SMTP while work on the web server is under way.

     5.14 has a new copyless driver for the Intel E1000 Ethernet chipset used on this server and it is my hope that this driver will fix the hardware offloading issues with the existing driver that force us to disable hardware offloading.