
     Debian is back up except I do not have all the graphical access working again and much software is not installed.

     I would appreciate your help.  Installing all the software previously installed is not workable as it causes systemd to get stuck in a loop and not boot properly.  I ended up re-installing a second time after working all night to recover it.  So I only want to install things people actually use.

     To that end, I’m asking if you are a regular Debian user, please login to and check if software is present that you need, ESPECIALLY if you had cron jobs there (which I have not restored yet).  If software is missing, please use the ticket system (website under Support pulldown, Tickets) to initiate a ticket so I know what needs to be re-installed and/or fixed.

     There will be periodic downtime during this process in order to make frequent backups to essentially checkpoint the system so I don’t end up having to do yet another full re-install.