Free Trial

Free Shell Trial Application

All information collected will be used only to establish your free two week trial shell and communicate any necessary setup instructions. We will contact you for verification and to communicate setup information. Your application will be discarded if it can not be verified within two weeks so please be sure to leave accurate information. Your account will be created at the time it is verified. Your trial account ends when two weeks has elapsed. Please make a payment if you wish continue using our services beyond the two week trial.

Personal Contact Information
First and Last Name:
City, State/Province, Country:
Telephone Number:
Current E-mail address:
Login Credentials

Your login

  • May contain only the following: [a-z], [0-9], “-“, and
  • Must NOT START with a dash.
  • Must contain at least one non-numeric character.
  • Must not exceed sixteen characters.
  • Is your e-mail address here at Eskimo North.
  • Remains your login name after the trial as well.


Your password:

  • Must be different from your login.
  • Must be least five characters long.
  • May contain any printable character. UPPER and lower are different.
  • Up to 16 characters are significant in your password.


Account Type
  • Standard Shell
  • Economy Shell
  • Power Shell
  • Enterprise Shell
  • SuperMax Shell
  • Other Account

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