-- Creating Tables, Inserting Data, Updating Data --
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Creating Tables
Now that we're in, we want to create a table. Note how the prompt changes if you don't end the current line with the command-end character ';' (similar to other programming languages that can span across lines).
ericj=> CREATE TABLE "stock_data" ( ericj(> "symbol" varchar(5), ericj(> "purch_date" date, ericj(> "purch_price" float, ericj(> "shares" int, ericj(> "curr_date" date, ericj(> "curr_price" float ericj(> ); ericj=>Inserting Data
And now we need to insert some data.
ericj=> INSERT INTO "stock_data" VALUES ericj-> ('CAT', '2000-02-24', 37.8125, 13, '2000-10-06', 34.5); ericj=> INSERT INTO "stock_data" VALUES ericj-> ('DD', '2000-02-24', 53.25, 9, '2000-10-06', 34.5); ericj=>This can take a lot of typing for large amounts of data, so there's an alternate method I'll use to add the rest. This uses Tab-delimited lines that you can cut-n-paste from other applications as well. Don't pad them with spaces or commas, just Tabs, one for each column.
ericj=> COPY "stock_data" FROM stdin; Enter data to be copied followed by a newline. End with a backslash and a period on a line by itself. >> IP 2000-02-24 40.25 12 2000-10-06 29.8125 >> SBC 2000-02-24 35.75 13 2000-10-06 53.3125 >> CAT 2000-09-21 34.8125 14 2000-10-06 53.3125 >> DD 2000-09-21 38.75 12 2000-10-06 44.5625 >> IP 2000-09-21 28.8125 17 2000-10-06 29.8125 >> T 2000-09-21 29.25 17 2000-10-06 27.25 >> \. ericj=>Updating Data
Updating is done in a way similar to simply inserting data, but in order to tell the SQL server to change a record already listed, we also need to tell it which record(s) to change. This is done with the command "UPDATE" which has a "SET" clause to specify which fields to update and a "WHERE" clause to limit this update to a specific record (or multiple records):
ericj=> UPDATE "stock_data" ericj-> SET "curr_date" = 2000-10-12, ericj-> SET "curr_price" = 31.875 ericj-> WHERE "symbol" = "CAT"; ericj=>In this example (until Part II), this will actually update two records, since there are two rows that match the "CCCC" symbol with a current date and price. Part II will show how to split this up into two tables so that the current data is only listed once.
Next Part:
Queries and Output
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