E-mail addresses, MPM cohort group #2
Renton class members
Arden Boisen <arden.boisen@pss.boeing.com>
Bob Brown <robert.brown6@pss.boeing.com>
Jackie Dimonde <jdimonde@telebyte.net>
Teresa Eckard <eckard.t@portseattle.org>
Karen Ekrem <karen.l.ekrem@boeing.com>
Michael Graham <michael.graham@pss.boeing.com>
Graham Michael <JGraham803@aol.com>
Forest Grant <forest.b.grant@boeing.com>
Moira Gunsul <moira.gunsul@pss.boeing.com>
Kurt Kilwien <kilwienk@msn.com>
Bob Krebs <robert.krebs@pss.boeing.com>
Nashila Lalji <nashila.lalji@pss.boeing.com>
Rajina Pradham <Rajinatinku@mindspring.com>
Chris Robinson <cnlrobin@msn.com>
Greg Ryan <gregg.ryan@boeing.com>
Greg Ryan <GreggRyan@aol.com>
Merle Smith <merle.smith@pss.boeing.com>
Russ Telling <tellinr2@wdni.com>
Advisory Committee & Instructors
Tom Fawthrop <thomas.fawthrop@ci.seattle.wa.us>
Doug Riethmeier <dh_riethmeier@pnl.gov>
Steven Weidner <SWeidner@msn.com>
Linda Roche <lroche@cityu.edu>
Lee K <lkaufman@halcyon.com>
Jim Goodenough <jdgood@owt.com>
Pen Stout <pstout@interserv.com>
Doug Arnold <darnold@cityu.edu>
Elizabeth Griffin-Hall <ehall@cityu.edu>
Fred W. Black <frederick.w.black@boeing.com>
Howard Campbell <howardc@microsoft.com>
Karen Dowdall <kdowdall@cityu.edu>
Dick Foster <rfoster.@ch2m.com>
Helena Schoetzow <helenajs@mail.gte.net>
Hal Lakin <hal.lakin@telops.gte.com>
Barbara Endicott <endicott@gte.net>
To copy and paste these addresses elsewhere:
Highight the address (or group of addresses) you want
Hold down the "Ctrl" and "Insert" keys at the same time
Go to the program and area you want to place these, position your cursor,
Hold down the "Shift" and "Insert" keys at the same time
For corrections, notify Jerry Hines <jhines@eskimo.com>