Hath XXXI Days
Morning Prayer Evening Prayer
1st Lesson2nd Lesson 1st Lesson2nd Lesson
1cLammas Day Proverbs 27:1-23 Romans 2:1-17 Proverbs 28:1-15 Matthew 16:24-17:14
2d 30:1-18 2:17 31:10 17:14
3e Eccles. 1 3 Eccles. 2:1-12 18:1-21
4f 3 4 4 18:21-19:1-3
5g 5 5 6 19:3-27
6ATransfiguration 7 6 8 19:27-20:17
7bName of Jesus 9 7 11 20:17
8c 12 8:1-18 Jer. 1 21:1-23
9d Jer. 2:1-14 8:18 5:1-19 21:23
10eSt. Lawrence, M. 5:19 9:1-19 6:1-22 22:1-15
11f Ezekiel 7:1-17 9:19 8:4 22:15-41
12g 9:1-17 10 13:8-24 22:41-23:13
13A 15 11:25 17:1-19 23:13
14b 18:1-18 11:25 19 24:1-29
15c 21 12 22:1-13 24:29
16d 22:13 13 23:1-16 25:1-31
17e 24 14 & 15:1-8 25:1-15 25:31
18f 26 15:8 28 26:1-31
19g 29:4-20 16 30 26:31-57
20A 31:1-15 1 Cor. 1:1-26 31:15-38 26:57
21b 33:1-14 1:26 & 2 33:14 27:1-27
22c 35 3 36:1-14 27:27-57
23dFast. 36:14 4:1-18 38:1-14 27:57
24eSt. Bartholomew Genesis 28:10-18 4:18 & 5 Deuter. 18:15 28
25f Jerem. 38:14 6 Jerem. 39 Mark 1:1-21
26g 50:1-21 7:1-25 51:54 1:21
27A Ezekiel 1:1-15 7:25 Ezekiel 1:15 2:1-23
28bSt. Augustine, B. 2 8 3:1-15 2:23-3:13
29cBeheading of St. John Baptist 3:15 9 8 3:13
30d 9 10 & 11:1 11:14 4:1-35
31e 12:17 11:2-17 13:1-17 4:35-5:21

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