Notes on the Development of the Book of Common Prayer.

First of all, let me say that I am not a church historian. I have only a hazy idea of what I'm talking about here, so I don't advise quoting me on any of this.

Several years ago, I set up some charts showing side-by-side texts for Morning and Evening Prayer as they appear in the five editions of the Book of Common Prayer (1549, 1552, 1559, 1604, and 1662). I came across these old charts when I was setting up this website, and they looked like something that might fit in well, so I've turned them into HTML tables and I'm presenting them here for anyone who is interested. Unfortunately, I did this so many years ago that I don't even remember what my sources were.

When I was typing in the Notes on the Festivals, I came across the fact that St. Mary Magdalene was a Red-Letter Saint in 1549. I went back to type in the Collect, Epistle, and Gospel for that day; the next thing I knew, I was typing in the Holy Communion services from 1549 and 1552. I modernized the spelling as I was typing, but attempted to retain the original punctuation and capitalization (except for the word "God", which I found I was uncomfortable typing with a lower-case "G".) I haven't decided if I will provide more of the early services, so I'm including these here while for the time being.

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