[an error occurred while processing this directive] Thank Yous
[Welcome Page]

Thank Yous

The Chevron Corporation has supported improvements and expansion of the Information for Nonprofits Website with a grant to The Evergreen State Society. Other supporters and sponsors of the Society's activities include Seattle Underground Tour, Allison Cowles, Wilfred Woods and the many valuable community organizations in Washington state who have enrolled as members.

Feedback:We are interested in your feedback. For comments about the content of this, or any other page on the site, please email the Editor. For comments about the fucntionality of the site, please emai l the Webmaster.

Copyright notice: Information for Nonprofits is a project of The Evergreen State Society, in Seattle, WA, USA. These pages copyright, 1997, by The Evergreen State Society. Material by others included here is copyright by the original author unless otherwise specified. For reprint permission, please email the Editor.