99-00 Mavs Player Stats vs Opponents
The Mavs player stats vs the opposing team are in these links. The dates
listed after the team are the dates the Mavs play them. The stat file
is for the games that have been played so far, so if you try to follow
a link for a team that the Mavs have not played yet, you'll get a "file
not found" or "unable to access" message.
- Atlanta Hawks (1/8, 3/19)
- Boston Celtics (2/28, 3/18)
- Charlotte Hornets (11/17, 2/3)
- Chicago Bulls (11/27, 12/2)
- Cleveland Cavaliers (11/30, 3/23)
- Denver Nuggets (1/4, 1/29, 2/26, 4/6)
- Detroit Pistons (1/23, 2/17)
- Golden State Warriors (11/2, 11/6, 1/11,
- Houston Rockets (11/16, 11/23, 1/17, 4/13)
- Indiana Pacers (2/21, 3/14)
- Los Angeles Clippers (1/27, 2/5, 3/28, 4/8)
- Los Angeles Lakers (11/7, 11/9, 12/27, 4/18)
- Miami Heat (11/11, 12/20)
- Milwaukee Bucks (12/5, 2/15)
- Minnesota Timberwolves (12/4, 12/18,
3/9, 4/19)
- New Jersey Nets (1/22, 3/2)
- New York Knicks (11/29, 12/16)
- Orlando Magic (11/13, 11/24)
- Philadelphia 76ers (2/1, 2/29)
- Phoenix Suns (12/11, 12/23, 3/4, 3/11)
- Portland Trailblazers (1/10, 1/15,
3/30, 4/11)
- Sacramento Kings (11/19, 12/26, 3/6, 4/4)
- San Antonio Spurs (11/20, 12/14, 3/16, 3/21)
- Seattle Sonics (11/4, 2/9, 3/7, 4/14)
- Toronto Raptors (12/30, 2/20)
- Utah Jazz (12/8, 1/6, 2/24, 3/27)
- Vancouver Grizzlies (12/7, 2/6, 4/2, 4/16)
- Washington Wizards (1/18, 3/25)
Patricia Bender
Not affiliated with or representing anyone besides myself.