March 2004 NBA Dailys
- March 31 JBarry fined, Atl sold,
DWilkins Atl VP, DMartin signed, TMurphy on IR, TMcGrady on IR, LWoods
activated, WangZ on IR, RArchibald activated, JMoiso on IR, LBaxter
activated, CLaettner on IR, JChildress declared, games
- March 30 Sportsmanship Award,
BJohnsen signed, KRush on IR, AIverson out, games
- March 29 KBryant and RArtest
Players of the Week, TChandler suspended, MCleaves signed, games
- March 28 JCollier signed,
RLivingston signed, QRichardson on IR, COakley signed, games
- March 27 JMcInnis on IR, games
- March 26 MWilks activated,
AGriffin on IR, DFerguson signed, OCook on IR, GWilliams' # retired,
IChiriaev declared, games
- March 25 MFizer activated,
PShilrey on IR, PShirley and JPargo signed, MCarter signed, JHart
declared, games
- March 24 MPalacio activated,
AWilliams on IR, CAndersen activated, NTskitishvilli on IR, PBrezec
activated, JBender on IR, MJackson out, EGriffin sentenced, games
- March 23 LNailon signed,
CWhitney activated, JHayes on IR, PShirley out, games
- March 22 SO'Neal and VCarter
Players of the Week, SFrancis fined, AGoldwire signed, HDavis on IR,
AMcCaskill activated, DColeman on IR, games
- March 21 JBremer signed, BCook
activated, LHughes activated, LBaxter on IR, BJohnsen released, games
- March 20 CBarkley into Pho's
Ring of Honor, MMiller activated, RHumphrey on IR, games
- March 19 RArtset suspended,
TSlay activated, JKidd on IR, LJohnson signed, HGrant on IR, KBrown
activated, JKapano on IR, games
- March 18 BWells fined,
JMagloire fined, COakley signed, MBradley signed, JCollier signed, JDavis
released, games
- March 17 MCuban fined,
AWilliams activated, RMason on IR, KMartin declared, games
- March 16 JMashburn on IR,
GRobinson surgery, games
- March 15 CAnthony and
ZIlgauskas Players of the Week, RBrunson released, JPargo signed, PShirley
signed, MN'diaye signed, JPryzbilla on IR, CMills released, games
- March 14 WangZ activated,
BColes on IR, JRose activated, RArchiblad on IR, games
- March 13 LNailon signed,
JPrzybilla out, games
- March 12 MNorris activated,
VBaker signed, CTrybanski and FWilliams on IR, CBlount signed, MPalacio on
IR, MBradley released, JGabriel demoted, JWeisbrod Orl GM, DOverton
activated, MJaric on IR, RBowen activated, CAndersen on IR, KMalone
activated, BCook on IR, DColeman and MJackson activated, GRobinson and
AMcCaskill on IR, RBuford signed, Atl sold, games
- March 11 PJackson fined,
JBremer signed, RLaRue released, games
- March 10 BJohnsen signed,
DPenigar released, TDuncan activated, MCarroll on IR, TMurphy activated,
SClaxton on IR, MOkur activated, TFowlkes on IR, GRobinson surgery, games
- March 9 LJohnson signed,
KThomas extension, BBarry activated, RFrahm on IR, JDavis signed, MN'diaye
released, GWilliams' # to be retired, TBrandon retired, games
- March 8 YaoM and LOdom Players
of the Week, MCarroll signed, JCollier signed, HFuller released, games
- March 7 ZRandolph suspended, Ind
clinched playoff berth, games
- March 6 SVan Gundy and BMcAdoo
fined, RHumphrey activated, LWright on IR, KBryant injured, games
- March 5 TBest activated, TDelk
on IR, RStrickland signed, JPargo released, BKnight signed, AGoldwire
released, games
- March 4 PShirley signed, MFizer
on IR, BColes activated, LWoods on IR, MMoore signed, JSampson surgery, games
- March 3 LBrown fined, LNailon
signed, KBrown on IR, JGremer released, LBaxter signed, ADeClerq
activated, CTrybanski activated, DMutombo on IR, EGill activated,
VStepania on IR, MLampe activated, MHarpring on IR, games
- March 2 RStrickland released,
CBlount released, BDrew released, RArtest activated, JJones on IR, VCarter
activated, MBradley on IR, RBuford signed, games
- March 1 KGarnett and KMartin
Players of the Month, HBrown and LFrank Coaches of the Month, CAnthony and
LJames Rookies of the Month, AKirilenko and BWallace Players of the Week,
AIverson fined, RLaRue signed, NVan Exel on IR, THansen activated, CMills
on IR, DPenigar signed, BKnight released, games
Patricia Bender
Not affiliated with or representing anyone besides myself.