February 2006 NBA Dailys
- February 28 RBrunson released,
BColangelo Tor GM, LRoberts and ARoberson to NBADL, games
- February 27 YaoM and GArenas
POW, KGarnett fined, RDavis fined, RWallace fined, RMarshall and JHoward
act, DHarris and JPowell IL, VWafer to NBADL, BColangelo resigned, EJones
act, ARoberson IL, GBuckner act, JHodge IL, SMonia IL, MEly act, KRush IL,
VBaker act, CKaman IL, games
- February 26 RMarshall from
NBADL, JPowell to NBADL, DFortson out, AJohnson to NBADL, ARoberson act,
EJones IL, HTurkoglu act, TDiener IL, DMason act, BBass IL, ZRandolph act,
- February 25 KThomas out,
JPowell act, JHoward IL, JHodge to NBADL, JJackson act, MWilliams IL,
JKapono act, DWright and DAnderson IL, BRobinson act, MEly IL, BBass act,
JVroman and DMason IL, games
- February 24 STelfair
suspended, DHarrison suspended, SStoudamire suspended, TDelk released,
LNailon released, SGraham signed, AHardaway released, BOutlaw signed,
BThomas signed, JHodge recalled, JHodge act, GBuckner IL, CMihm act,
VWafer IL, TAriza act, BOutlaw and HTurkoglu IL, RFrahm act, RDupree IL,
SFrancis act, NRobinson IL, GFitch IL, games
- February 23 Den-Sea-Por-Sac
trade, Hou-Mia trade, NJ-NO trade, Sea-Cle trade, Phi-Cle trade, SGraham
released, games
- February 22 Orl-NY trade,
BOutlaw released, AOwens surgery, RSwift surgery, JVroman injured, TDiener
act, AHardaway and TAriza IL, JPosey act, JKapono IL, SMarbury act,
SFrancis IL, DWest act, SClaxton IL, MLampe act, SSwift IL, GWallace act,
BRobinson IL, SMonia act, ZRandolph IL, games
- February 21 GGreen recalled,
LRoberts and ARoberson recalled, ZRebraca act, VBaker and QRoss IL,
DMilicic and CArroyo act, TDiener and BOutlaw IL, CMihm act, VWafer IL,
MJaric act, RFrahm IL, JMaxiell and AAcker act, KCato IL, MWilliams act,
JJackson IL, RBrunson act, games
- February 20 VBaker signed,
SGraham signed, MCleaves released
- February 19 All-Star game
- February 18 3-Point contest,
Slam Dunk contest, Skills contest, Shooting Stars contest
- February 17 GArenas 3-point
contestant, Basketball Hall of Fame nominees, Rookie-Sophomore game
- February 16 GGreen NBADL,
EPiatkowski act, JThomas released, games
- February 15 Det-Orl trade,
TMorris released, BOutlaw act, DMilicic and CArroyo IL, CPaul act,
AMacijauskas IL, BRussell act, ENajera IL, JHayes surgery, games
- February 14 LAC-Sea trade,
LHughes surgery, DWright act, JPosey IL, JJackson act, RGaines IL, JBarry
act, MLampe IL, games
- February 13 TParker and
GArenas POW, KMartin fined, NO-Hou trade, ENareja surgery, LHughes
surgery, DHarris act, JPowell IL, FOberto act, RHorry IL, DMiles act,
TRatliff IL, BBass IL, TAriza act, JJames IL, games
- February 12 Shooting
contestants, DWest Sophomore team, SHunter act, AMourning act, GFitch IL,
JCollins act, LJohnson IL, SSwift act, JBarry IL, games
- February 11 RDupree act,
MJaric IL, JBarry act, SSwift IL, TKukoc act, JJackson IL, games
- February 10 GArenas All-Star,
JPowell act, DHarris IL, MWebster act, JPrzybilla IL, DJones act,
AJefferson IL, GWallace IL, BBass act, CPaul IL, CBoozer act, GGiricek IL,
LJohnson act, JCollins IL, games
- February 9 All-Star reserves,
Cha-Hou trade, GFitch act, AMourning IL, games
- February 8 3-Point contestants,
NO-Phi no trade, DJones recalled, RGaines act, TKukoc IL, Rturiaf act,
CMihm IL, games
- February 7 Skills contestants,
JHodge to NBADL, LHunter act, JMaxiell IL, BMiller act, BWells IL, games
- February 6 CPaul and CBosh POW,
JThomas signed, LJackson IL, MCleaves signed, TLue out, UHaslem act,
DWright IL, NKrstic act, LJohnson IL, KMartin act, JHodge IL, games
- February 5 LJackson out, JJames
act, TAriza IL, RAraujo act, ADavis IL, games
- February 4 JBender retired,
DWright act, UHaslem IL, LJohnson act, NKrstic IL, DMilicic act, AAcker
IL, JSmith act, RGaines IL, MCamby act, KMartin IL, RDupree act, THudson,
- February 3 Tor-NY trade, SMonia
and MWebster recalled, TAriza act, SMarbury IL, GGreen act, AJefferson
out, AAcker act, DMilicic IL, SSwift act, JBarry IL, CMiles act, AOwens
IL, games
- February 2 LBrown fined,
All-Star starters, JWilliams and Sanderson act, GFitch and DWright IL,
LRoberts and ARobinson to NBADL, NVan Exel act, FObertio IL, games
- February 1 KBryant and CBillups
POM, AJohnson and FSaunders COM, CPaul and ABogut ROM, Phi-NO trade,
Rookie-Sophomore players, ZHamilton signed, MAndriuskevicius act,
INewble IL, GHill act, JNelson IL, LWoods act, SHunter and BBass IL,
JBarry act, SSwift IL, JHodge act, MCamby IL, CCheaney act, CTaft IL,
RHorry act, MSanders IL, games
Patricia Bender
Not affiliated with or representing anyone besides myself.