December 2006 NBA Dailys
- December 31 MAger from
NBADL, KCato act, SFrancis IL, AJohnson act, CBillups IL, WGreen act,
SSmith IL, MOlowokandi act, ARay IL, DFortson act, DFarmer IL, games
- December 30 JRichardson
injured, SMay act, WHerrmann IL, RMarshall act, SWilliams IL, JRedick
and TDiener act, KDooling and GHill IL, SSwift act, BCardinal IL,
AVarejao act, DJones IL, ABarrett act, KHinrich IL, SBlake act, CMcCray
IL, MHarpring act, CMiles IL, TMurphy act, ARoberson IL, ARoberson act,
PO'Bryant to NBADL, JHart act, KThomas IL, games
- December 29 JPosey
suspended, CPaul out, JWhite to NBADL, TBarone Mem coach, BKnight
surgery, CBillups out, MPeterson act, USlokar IL, INewble and DJones
act, SBrown and AVarejao IL, RHite act, DWade IL, JO'Neal act, JPowell
IL, EBatista act, LWright IL, SSmith act, CWebber IL, DWest act,
MOlowokandi IL, SAbdur-Rahim act, JHart IL, games
- December 28 MFratello
fired, TBarone Mem coach, SMedvedenko signed, MFreije released, BKnight
out, PBurke act, SMarks IL, BBarry and MBonner and MGinobili act,
JButler and JWhite and FElson IL, DFarmer act, DFortson IL, games
- December 27 JKidd fined,
SBrown act, SPollard IL, JChildress and SClaxton act, TLue and EBatista
IL, BWright act, EGriffin IL, VSlokar act, MPeterson IL, KBogans and
HTurkoglu act, TDiener and JRedick IL, CMcCray act, SBlake IL, RArtest
act, SBadur-Rahim IL, KPerkins act, DWest IL, games
- December 26 JHoward and
MWilliams POWs, Pho@Den rescheduled, TMcGrady act, YaoM IL, JPowell act,
JO'Neal IL, THassell act, BWright IL, RHorry and JButler and JWhite act,
BBarry and MGinobili and MBonner IL, UKorolev act, SCassell IL, CMiles
act, MHarpring IL, SMark sact, PBurke IL, BJones act, WGreen IL, games
- December 25 Game
- December 23 YaoM out,
BWright act, THassell IL, OGreene act, JPowell IL, EBatista and TLue
act, SClaxton and JSmith IL, SFrancis act, KCato IL, AMiller and CWebber
act, BJones and SSmith IL, CQuinn act, RHite IL, TKinsey act, SSwift IL,
EWilliams act, RHorry IL, MIlic act, NKrstic IL, RPatterson act, CMcCray
IL, BRobinson act, BKnight IL, PBrown act, ABarrett IL, RAllen and
DForston act, RLewis and DFarmer IL, games
- December 22 RLewis srugery,
NKristic injured, DBrown signed, BJackson IL, IMcFarlin released,
JSampson act, JBarea act, JStackhouse IL, TThomas act, YKorolev IL,
JNelson act, JAugustine IL, BKnight act, BRobinson IL, SHunter act,
AMiller IL, MOlowokandi act, PPierce IL, CMcCray act, RPatterson IL,
MTaylor act, RArtest IL, JCalderon act, USlokar IL, games
- December 21 PPierce out,
SPollard act, INewble IL, RWallace act, AJohnson IL, KMartin act,
MTaylor IL, games
- December 20 Pho@Den
postponed, AJohnson act, JBarea IL, SHunter IL, MOlowokandi act,
KPerkins IL, WHerrmann act, SMay IL, MWilliams and CVillanueva act,
LGreer and CMcCray IL, MMadsen act, BWright IL, JBoone act, MIlic IL,
BRoy act, DDickau IL, SCassell act, TThomas IL, games
- December 19 Phi-Den trade,
CDuhon act, VKhryapa IL, FJones act, JCalderon IL, PBurke act, SMarks
IL, games
- December 18 NY-Den
suspensions, CBoozer and GArenas POWs, JBarea act, MAger IL, SMay out,
MIlic act, JBoone IL, SSwift act, Tkinsey IL, MTaylor acct, KMartin IL, games
- December 17 PStojakovic
surgery, DWest surgery, USlokar act, FJones IL, RAraujo act, CMiles IL,
YKorolev acct, SCassell IL, AJohnson act, RWallace IL, games
- December 16 NY-Den fight,
JWhite to NBADL, JStackhouse act, JBarea IL, ABarrett act, CDuhon IL,
JJohnson act, TLue IL, OHarrington act, BKnight IL, DWade act, CQuinn
IL, CFrye act, QRRichardson IL, Nene act, JSampson IL, RHorry act,
JButler IL, CMcCray act, CVillanueva IL, games
- December 15 JBarea act,
AJohnson IL, RCarney act, CWebber IL, JPowell act, OGreene IL, JSmith
act, Nene IL, INewble act, SPollard IL, PGasol act, SSwift IL, IDiogu
act, TMurphy IL, SMarks act, PBurke IL, CMaggette act, YKorolev IL, games
- December 14 JButler act,
RHorry IL, games
- December 13 PArizin died,
MDunleavy extension, ACroshere act, JBarea IL, SWilliams act, LOdom IL,
BKnight act, OHarrington IL, DGooden act, SBrown IL, AHarrington and
JO'Neal and SJackson act, RMarshall and JPowell and DHarris IL, GPayton
act, DWade IL, JAugustine act, JNelson IL, WSzczerbiak act, TRatliff IL,
BJones act, RCarney IL, ABlatche act, EThomas IL, RHorry and JVaughn
act, EWilliams and JButler IL, VKhrapa act, PBrown IL, CKaman act,
CMaggette IL, games
- December 12 LOdom out,
REvans act, JSmith IL, BWells act, TMcGrady IL, KThomas act, VPotapenko
IL, games
- December 11 SJackson
suspended, SNash and GArenas POWs, old ball back, JSloan wins, LRoberts
surgery, MAndriuskevicius to NBADL, JRedick act, KBogans IL, RLaFrentz
act, SGraham IL, DMartin act, USlokar IL, JWilliams act, GPayton
ILJJeffries act, SFrancis IL, SWilliams and JPowell act, AHarrington and
SJackson IL, JButler act, RHorry IL, YKorolev act, CKaman IL, games
- December 10 SGraham act,
RLaFrentz IL, ABargnani and PTucker act, CBosh and DMartin IL, MCarroll
act, WHerrmann IL, RIvey act, JJohnson IL, VPotapenko act, KThomas IL,
EWilliams act, JVaughn IL, games
- December 9 ZRandolph
suspended, DNelson wins, JBarea and YMAger act, JStackhouse and
ACroshere IL, TDiener act, HTurkoglu IL, CBooth act, ABlatche IL,
RMarshall act, JPowell IL, LHughes act, DGooden IL, EJones act, LRoberts
IL, games
- December 8 LWilliams act,
AIverson IL, JPowell and DHarrison act, JO'Neal and RMarshall IL,
BRobinson act, BKnight IL, BWright act, MMadsen IL, DMartin act,
ABargnani IL, CVillanueva act, CMcCray IL, CQuinn act, JWilliams IL,
Nene act, REvbans IL, SClaxton and MWilliams act, EBatista and RIvey IL, games
- December 7 PMensah-Bonsu to
NBADL, RAllen out, RArtest act, VPotapenko IL, games
- December 6 MTaylor
suspended, ZPachulia suspended, BSimmons surgery, TRatliff act, KPerkins
IL, MPeterson and USlokar act, PTucker and DMartin IL, JRedick act,
KDooling IL, OGreene act, JPowell IL, JVaughn act, EWilliams IL,
WHerrmann and MEly act, MCarroll and BRobinson IL, EBatista act,
SClaxton IL, BCook act, SWilliams IL, games
- December 5 Mem not sold,
RLaFrentz act, SGraham IL, WBlalock act, LHunter IL, DFarmer act, RAllen
IL, games
- December 4 CAnthony and
MRedd POWs, DMbenga act, MAger IL, MGinobili act, JVaughn IL, ARay act,
WSzczerbiak IL, MAllen act, VKhryapa IL, games
- December 3 DDavis act,
WBlalock IL, PGarrity acct, TDiener IL, games
- December 2 CWebber act,
SRandolph IL, EHouse act, MIlic IL, VPotapenko act, RArtest IL, SPollard
at, INewble IL, JPowell act, OGreene IL, CKaman acct, YKorolev IL, games
- December 1 YaoM and DHoward
POM, JSlaon and BHill COM, RGay and AMorrison ROY, Players Association
suit, JChildress out, SRandolph surgery, JHodge to NBADL, JHart act,
MTaylor IL, JVoskuhl act, MEly IL, LWright act, EBtista IL, MSweetney
act, MAllen IL, WBlalock act, DDavis IL, games
Patricia Bender
Not affiliated with or representing anyone besides myself.