March 2007 NBA Dailys
- March 31 JFarmer to NBADL,
DJones and SBrown act, SPollard and INewble IL, ABarrett act, AGriffin IL,
BJackson act, BBass IL, YKorolev act, CMaggette IL, games
- March 30 ZRandolph surgery,
QRichardson surgery, RAllen surgery, JMcInnis and DAnderson act, RHollins
and OHarrington IL, JO'Neal act, DHarrison IL, BRobinson act, EHouse IL,
GGiricek act, MHarpring IL, RHorry act, JWhite IL, SNovak act, LHead IL,
KThomas act, VPotapenko IL, SCassell act, YKorolev IL, games
- March 29 PO'Bryant from NBADL,
QRichardson out, EHouse out, KPrtichard Por GM, BRoy act, IUdoka IL,
MBanks act, SMarks IL, games
- March 28 JHart signed,
AAnderson signed, PMensah-0Bonsu to NBADL, ZPachulia act, SMedvedenko IL,
EOkafor act, JMicInnis IL, CButler act, DTaylor IL, JDixon act, JGarbajosa
IL, DHarrison act, JO'Neal IL, SPollard act, SBrown IL, DMutombo act,
SNovak IL, games
- March 27 DJones from NBADL,
JGarbajosa surgery, CVillanueva surgery, LAmundson signed, OGreene act,
DHarrison IL, MAger act, PMensah-Bonsu IL, games
- March 26 KBryant and GWallace
POW, MOlowokandi out, ABargnani out, AParker act, JDixon and PSow IL,
RMorris act, DLee IL, SMedvedenko act, ZPachulia IL, AMourning act,
WSimien IL, LSchenscher act, BRoy IL, DTaylor act, ABlatche IL, SPadgett
act, DStoudamire IL, JWhite act, RHorry IL, games
- March 25 WBlalock to NBADL,
PTucker released, LJackson signed, LSchenscher signed, RAllen surgery,
DGeorge act, MAger IL, LWright act, SMedvedenko IL, RDupree act, RHamilton
IL, DGadzuric and DMarkota act, ABogut and CVillanueva IL, RLaFrentz act,
LSchenscher IL, SNovak act, DMutombo IL, BCook act, MEvans IL, games
- March 24 RWallace suspended,
DStoudamire act, SPadgett IL, games
- March 23 Morris signed, DJones to
NBADL, CRobinson act, BRobinson IL, SMedvendenko act, LWright IL, DWesley
act, DJones IL, TThomas act, SCassell IL, JHayes act, DTaylor IL, games
- March 22 JMcRoberts declared,
DLee act, QRichardson IL, CBillups act, WBlalock IL, games
- March 21 ABogut and
CVillanueva out, DMarkota from NBADL, CDaniels and DMcGuire declared,
WSimien act, AMourning IL, PSow and JHCalderon act, ABargnani and AParker
IL, BKnight act, DAnderson IL, SCassell act, TThomas IL, RMarshall act,
DHarrison IL, DTaylor act, JHayes IL, DFortson act, RAllen IL, games
- March 20 GDavis declared,
MHall signed, ABargnani surgery, DGibson act, DWesley IL, BBass act,
BJackson IL, AJohnson act, DStoudamire IL, PDavis act, SCassell IL,
JFoster and DHarrison act, RMarshall and OGreene IL, MBanks act, JJones
IL, games
- March 19 KBryant and JKidd
POW, LAmundson signed, games
- March 18 Bos fined, Cha fined,
GS fined, WBlalock act, CBillups IL, AParker act, PSow IL, BOutlaw acct,
PGarrity IL, DMutombo IL, SNovak IL, BRobinson act, CRobinson IL, BWright
act, THassell IL, games
- March 17 AAnderson signed,
MBaston act, CButler IL, DMilicic act, BOutlaw IL, CMiles act, GGiricek
IL, MAllen act, ABarrett IL, FOberto act, MEly IL, LRidnour act, DFortson
IL, games
- March 16 CButler out,
EWilliams released, JHart signed, VPotapenko act, KThomas IL, SNovak act,
DMutombo IL, PSow and DMartin act, JCalderon and Aparker IL, SCassell act,
PDavis IL, OHarrington act, SMay IL, games
- March 15 PJackson fined,
LSchenscher signed, AJohnson from NBADL, LWalton act, BCook IL, CRobinson
act, BRobinson IL, MEly act, FOberto IL, games
- March 14 ABogut fined, TStotts
fired, LKrystkowiak Mil coach, MAger act, DGeorge IL, RHollins act,
BKnight IL, MRuffin act, ABlatche IL, JO'Neal act, JFoster IL, TBattie and
KDooling act, TDeiner and DMilicic IL, LJames act, DJones IL, games
- March 13 BKnight fined,
BBickerstaff not to coach, SLivingston surgery, EGriffin released,
JRichardson released, DJones and DJones act, LJames and SPollard IL,
YKorolev at, SCassell IL, games
- March 12 MGinobili and LJames
POW, IThomas extension, TDeiner act, KDooling IL, games
- March 11 MHall signed, AParker
act, DMarytin IL, Pdavis act, YKorolev IL, RArtest act, Vpotapenko IL,
ABarrett act, MAllen IL, JTinsley act, Mbaston IL, KSnyder act, SNovak IL,
- March 10 RWallace suspended,
JTinsley suspended, SMay act, RHollins IL, EThomas act, DTaylor IL,
MBaston and KMcLeod act, JO'Neal and JTindsley IL, AWright act, CRobinson
IL, games
- March 9 DFortson suspended,
WBlalock from NBADL, ARay act, WSzczerbiak IL, MWilliams act, SMedvedenko
IL, RJefferson act, AWright IL, JTsakalidis act, KSnyder IL, SCassell act,
PDavis IL, games
- March 8 WSzczerbiak surgery,
LAmundson signed, PO'Bryant to NBADL, ARay from NBADL, JJohnson out, GHill
act, TDiener IL, RHorry act, MEly IL, games
- March 7 LHunter suspended,
KBryant suspended, SMedvedenko and RIvey act, JJohnson and MWilliams IL,
SNovak act, JTsakalidis IL, DWright act, JKapono IL, RWallace act, RDupree
IL, RBrewer act, CMiles IL, BDiaw act, MBanks IL, games
- March 6 JPrzybilla surgery,
DGeorge act, MAger IL, ABargnani act, BHaywood act, EThomas IL, DFortson
act, LRidnour IL, MMadsen act, THassell IL, TParker acct, RHorry IL,
VPotapenko act, RArtest IL, games
- March 5 KMartin and AJefferson
POW, RArtest out, DWade no surhgery, JHart signed, WConroy released, YaoM
act, SNovak IL, SBrown act, DJones IL, BDavis act, PO'Bryant IL, EBatista
act, SClaxton IL, games
- March 4 DTaylor act, BHaywood
Il, PBrown act, ABarrett IL, games
- March 3 JRichardson signed,
JPrzybilla out, JHarrington signed, SSwift act, AJohnson to NBADL, MEly
act, TParker IL, DHarrison and SWilliams act, MDaniels and MBaston IL,
PTucker act, ABargnani IL, SPollard and INewble act, DGibson IL, games
- March 2 JReiner signed,
AHenderson released, SBrown to NBADL, TLue act, RIvey IL, AJamison and
CButler act, MHall and DTaylor IL, SFrancis act, JCrawford IL, CMiles act,
RBrewer IL, RDupree acct, RWallace IL, EBarron act, DWright IL, ABarrett
act, PBrown IL, JTinsley act, KMcLeod IL, RArtest act, KBrown act, LWalton
IL, SNovak act, BWells IL, TDiener act, GHill IL, games
- March 1 DNowitzki and CBillups
POM, AJohnson and FSaunders COM, BRoy and ABargnani ROM, VRadmanovic
fined, SPatterson resigned, TLeiweke Por GM, RCarney injured, EBoykins
out, JPrzybilla out, JHart released, MVinicius to NBADL, GBuckner act,
SBrown act, SPollard IL, PDavis act, SCassell IL, games
Patricia Bender
Not affiliated with or representing anyone besides myself.