January 2008 NBA Dailys
- January 31 All-Star reserves,
BScott West coach, EBoykins signed, DMbenga signed, SBrown act, LJames IL,
- January 30 RBalkman suspended,
Rookie-Sophomore teams, MBrown Chi assistant, BJones released, JRichardson
released, CSimmons act, AVarejao IL, JNelson act, JAugstine IL, FJones
act, JJames IL, MMadsen act, RMcCants IL, AHaluska act, MPeterson IL,
MBaston act, DMartin IL, games
- January 29 SSwift suspended,
CWebber signed, THudson released, CWatson signed, GDiaz released, CSamb to
NBADL, RSwift act, MGelablae to NBADL, IMahinmi act, TParker IL, SJones
act, MWest IL, GHill act, ATucker IL, MDoleac and RFoy act, MMadsen IL,
YaoM and MJames act, TMcGrady and KSnyder IL, games
- January 28 AJefferson and
HTurkoglu POWs, DStoudamire relesaed, CRichard to NBADL, IMahinmi from
NBADL, MAger act, DHarris IL, PGasol and SWift act, MConley IL, games
- January 27 MJames act, YaoM
IL, JPosey act, SPollard IL, ATucker act, GHill IL, games
- January 26 JRichardson act,
BBarry IL, games
- January 25 BBarry out, MAlmond
to NBADL, BBass act, JStackhouse IL, ZPachulia act, SJones IL, CDuhon act,
BGordon IL, WChandler act, FJones IL, DMarshall act, SPavlovic IL,
CJacobsen and BCardinal act, PGasol and SSwift IL, games
- January 24 All-Star starters,
SPavlovic out, JCurry from NBADL, JDavidson to NBADL, TMurphy act,
JTinsley IL, MBelinelli act, KPerovic IL, JAnthony act, SO'Neal IL, games
- January 23 DNichols act, LDeng
IL, JHoward act, BBass IL, INewble act, SBrown IL, SNovak act, MJames IL,
SJones act, ZPachulia IL, RHorry act, JRichardson IL, AOwens act, TMurphy
IL, games
- January 22 BDavis and GWallace
POWs, ZPachulia suspended, Nene cancer, SO'Neal out, SMarbury surgery,
JWilliams act, KThomas IL, games
- January 21 slam dunk
contestants, DRivers East coach, DMbenga signed, TAriza IL, RRondo act,
JPosey IL, ATucker from NBADL, SBrown act, INewble IL, MPietrus act,
MBelinelli IL, LDeng act, CDuhon IL, MMiller act, CJacobsen IL, BSimmons
act, DNoel IL, JWright act, BJackson IL, MDaniels act, AOwens IL,
SStoudamire and ZPachulia act, SJones and LWright IL, JRichardson act,
RHorry IL, games
- January 20 AJohnson suspended,
JRichardson signed, BJones signed, DNoel to NBADL, game
- January 19 JTinsley and IDiogu
act, JO'Neal and MDaniels IL, MBarnes out, JStackhouse act, JHoward IL,
Kperovic act, MPietrus IL, MWilliams act, BSimmmons IL, KHinrich act,
LDeng IL, TMcGrady act, SNovak IL, CJacobsen and RGay act, BCardinal and
MMiller IL, PGarrity act, JNelson IL, games
- January 18 CWatson signed,
GDiaz signed, JJames act, WChandler IL, CRichard act, MDoleac IL, DJones
act, JWilliams IL, BCardinal and ABrown act, RGay and CJacobsen IL,
MBelinelli act, ACroshere IL, games
- January 17 SMarbury surgery,
SBrown from NBADL, BBarry act, JRichardson IL, RPrice act, MAlmond IL,
VRadmanovic act, ABynum IL, games
- January 16 DNoel act,
MWilliams IL, SO'Neal act, JAnthony IL, SGraham act, JTinsley IL, MBibby
act, DJones IL, games
- January 15 Nene surgery, JNoah
act, KHinrich IL, games
- January 14 KBryant and CBosh
POWs, MBrown extension, ABynum out, JHoward act, JStackhouse IL, games
- January 13 JNoah out, MCollins
act, SMarbury IL, BWells act, KSnyder IL, LDeng act, DNichols IL, games
- January 12 INewble act, SBrown
to NBADL, CSimmons from NBADL, JBarea act, JHoward IL, JO'Neal act, IDiogu
IL, MMadsen act, CRichard IL, GPruitt act, RRondo IL, AJohnson act,
LHunter IL, games
- January 11 Mia-Atl game to be
replayed, DHarrison suspended, THudson surgery, SHunter act, CAtkins
surgery, CJacobsen act, ABrown IL, PO'Bryant act, MBelinelli IL, MDoleac
acct, MMadsen IL, KSnyder act, BWells IL, RButler act, JWright IL, RAllen
act, GPruitt IL, DMartin act, MBaston IL, games
- January 10 Guaranteed contract
date passed, JRichardson signed, BBarry IL, BJones signed, LHunter act,
AJohnson IL, DStoudamire act, BCardinal and CJacobsen IL, DStrawberry act,
ATcuker IL, AKirilenko act, RPrice IL, games
- January 9 GHill surgery, TGreen
activated, JMcRoberts to NBADL, JStackhouse and EDampier activated, JBarea
and MAger on IL, TDiener activated, JO'Neal on IL, MEly activated, RButler
on IL, GPruitt activated, RAllen on IL, SJones activated, ZPachulia on IL,
- January 8 GDiaz signed, CWatson
signed, SBrown activated, INewble on IL, JTinsley activated, TDiener on
IL, MAlmond activated, AKirilenko on IL, DWright activated, SO'Neal on IL,
BCardinal activated, AWright activated, games
- January 7 AIverson and LJames
POWs, BJones released, VWafer activated, DJohnson and KLangford released,
BBarry activated, JRichardson relesaed, BThomas released, DNichols
recalled, RFrahm released, ACroshere activated, games
- January 6 DMbenga released,
KPetrovic from NBADL, MAger activated, JStackhouse on IL, MMadsen
activated, MDoleac on IL, LAmundson activated, RCarney on IL, MGinobili
activated, KLangford on IL, INewble activated, SBrown on IL, games
- January 5 TSefolosha activated,
LDeng on IL, games
- January 4 ZRandolph suspended,
PDavis surgery, JBarea activated, EDampier on IL, WGreen activated,
LAmundson on IL, CKarl activated, VRadmanovic on IL, RBowen activated,
MEly on IL, KMartin activated, VWafer on IL, DHarrison activated, SGraham
on IL, games
- January 3 CMihm out, VKhryapa
activated, TSefolosha on IL, games
- January 2 LOdom suspended,
CPaul and DHoward POMs, NMcMillan and FSaunders COMs, KDurant and YiJ
ROMs, RArtest surgery, CSimmons to NBADL, RRondo activated, GPruitt on IL,
CQuinn activated, DWright on IL, SMarbury and JCrawford activated,
MCollins and RMorris on IL, JRichardson activated, DStoudamire on IL, TLue
activated, SJones on IL, SBrown activated, INewble on IL, AWright on IL,
Patricia Bender
Not affiliated with or representing anyone besides myself.