December 2009 NBA Dailys
- December 31 Games
- December 30 SRandolph signed,
MCamby act, SNovak IL, LHudson act, GDavis IL, OPecherov act, BCardinal
and ATucker IL, CDouglas-Roberts act, JBoone IL, games
- December 29 Min-Pho trade,
JHart released, AToliver released, TGriffin to NBADL, PMills to NBADL,
GPetrie extension, BCardinal act, OPecherov IL, CBudinger act, TMcGrady
IL, MPeterson act, HArmstrong IL, CAtkins act, WBynum IL, JSmith act,
OHunter IL, games
- December 28 KBryant and
LJames PoWs, NRobinson fined, AIverson act, WGreen IL, MJames act, JMcGee
IL, KOllie and BMullens act, DWhite and KWeaver IL, games
- December 27 BWalker act,
LHudson IL, DJordan act, MCamby IL, JPetro act, CBillups IL, BGordon and
TPrince act, DSummers and CAtkins IL, games
- December 26 MJaric released,
KKorver act, FMurray act, TChandler IL, RGomes act, BCardinal IL, TThomas
act, games
- December 25 JPrzybilla
surgery, CBillups act, JPetro IL, RDavis act, DJordan IL, LBarbosa act,
ATucker IL, GDavis act, PPierce IL, games
- December 23 PGasol extension,
PPierce out, MHarris signed, CBudinger IL, JMoon act, DGreen IL, KWeaver
act, MHarpring IL, BBrown act, MPeterson IL, TBattie and YiJ act,
CDouglas-Roberts and ENajera IL, games
- December 22 Uta-OKC trade,
SLivingston and MWilks released, JPrzybilla injured, MJaric to Europe,
DNowitzki act, JSingleton IL, LHughes act, MLandry IL, ALaw act, FMurray
IL, games
- December 21 KBryant and
DHoward PoWs, MHaislip act, MBonner IL, KKoufas act, KKorver IL, JNelson
act, AFoyle IL, JMcRoberts act, JFoster IL, games
- December 20 LHudson from
NBADL, JSingleton act, DNowitzki IL, DGreen act, JMoon IL, games
- December 19 MBonner injured,
JRichardson act, TGriffin IL, TRatliff act, MHaislip IL, KDooling act,
TBattie IL, DJordan act, RDavis IL, LWilliams act, AIverson IL,
Jpendergraph act, GOden and TOutlaw IL, games
- December 18 BJennings fined,
MMoore surgery, RBalkman act, CBillups IL, JFoster act, JMcRoberts IL,
FElson act, DGadzuric IL, CDouglas-Roberts act, KDooling IL, games
- December 17 AToliver signed,
GOden IL, TGriffin act, JRichardson IL, QRichardson act, YDiawara IL,
JBender act, LHughes IL, games
- December 16 MHaislip act,
TRatliff IL, JMeeks acct, RUkic IL, DWest act, CKarl IL, DWest act, CKarl
IL, MSpeights act, PBrezec IL, AFoyle act, JNelson IL, JMcRoberts act,
JFoster IL, games
- December 15 LHudson to NBADL,
TMcGrady act, WBynum act, BGordon IL, DGibson act, DWest IL, MLandry act,
JBender and DMilicic IL, games
- December 14 DWilliams and
RStuckey PoWs, TAriza suspended, SRandolph released, TGriffin from NBADL,
IDiogu surgery, JHoward act, MCarroll IL, BSkinner act, DJordan IL,
KKorver act, KKoufos IL, BCardinal act, RGomes IL, JPetro act, RBalkman
IL, games
- December 13 JBender signed,
RDavis act, BSkinner IL, JO'Neal act, QRichardson IL, ENajera act,
CDouglas-Roberts IL, MBanks act, JCalderon IL, games
- December 12 MCarroll act,
JHoward IL, KMartin act, JPetro IL, MRedd act, JMeeks IL, RHamilton act,
WBynum IL, games
- December 11 IDiogu surgery,
QRoss act, JSingleton IL, DCook act, SRandolph IL, TBattie act, JHayes IL,
EWatson act, JMcRoberts IL, OHunter act, JSmith IL, ABargnani and
JCalderon act, MBanks and PO'Bryant IL, CKarl act, DGibson IL, NJawai act,
BCardinal IL, games
- December 10 NYoung act,
MMiller IL, MAllen act, KMartin IL, games
- December 9 KRush surgery,
JMoon act, DGreen IL, MPeterson act, BBrown IL, PO'Bryant act, ABargnani
IL, APrice and JMcRoberts act, DGranger and EWatson IL, KHinrich act, games
- December 8 DGranger out,
RFernandez surgery, JHoward act, MCarroll IL, LAmundson act, BSkinner act,
RDavis IL, JWilliams acct, CKarl IL, TAllen act, MDaniels IL, BCardinal
act, NJawai IL, MBanks act, JCalderon IL, games
- December 7 CBoozer and
KGarnett PoWs, JNoah fined, TGriffin to NBADL, RPrice act, KKorver IL,
MHairston act, MFinley IL, JPetro act, MAllen IL, games
- December 6 GOden out, YDiawara
and SRandolph act, JO'Neal and DCook IL, CKarl act, JMoon IL, games
- December 5 EGordon act,
BSkinner IL, TGriffin act, LAmundson IL, JPetro act, RBalkman IL,
LWilliams IL, games
- December 4 CAnthony and LJames
PoMs, SSkiles suspended, NMcMillan injured, NJ won, CMiles act, RPrice IL,
KLove act, BCardinal IL, CPaul and PStojakovic act, SMarks and MPeterson
IL, KDooling and TBattie act, YiJ and ENajera IL, LMbah a Moute act,
FElson IL, games
- December 3 MHarpring out,
DGeorge act, RBell IL, RMason act, MHairston IL, games
- December 2 AIverson signed,
JSloan extension, BSkinner act, EGordon IL, NCollison act, KOllie IL,
DGreen act, JWilliams IL, games
- December 1 AGentry and SVan
Gundy CoMs, TEvans and BJennings RoMs, ATucker act, LBarbosa IL, games
Patricia Bender
Not affiliated with or representing anyone besides myself.