January 2010 NBA Dailys
- January 31 SVan Gundy East
coach, CKarl signed, CMartin released, MChalmers out, games
- January 30 ENajera act,
TThomas IL, YDiawara act, MChalmers IL, games
- January 29 HHundley banner,
WConroy signed, JTaylor IL, JBrockman act, HArmstrong IL, KKoufos act,
DWilliams IL, HHaddadi act, LHudson IL, MFinley act, TParker IL, AGray
act, NYoung act, MJames IL, CLee act, BSimmons IL, BSkinner act, CKaman
IL, DCook act, MBeasley IL, EGordon act, DSummers IL, JCollins act,
RMorris IL, games
- January 28 LJames fined,
All-Star reserves, GKarl West coach, games
- January 27 GArenas and
JCrittenton suspended, NO-LAC trade, Rookie-Sophomore teams, JCurry
released, ATolliver signed, JKapono act, RIvey IL, EGordon act, BSkinner
IL, BSimmons act, CLee IL, LHudson act, HHaddadi IL, MBanks act, DDeRozan
IL, AMorrison act, DMbenga IL, OPecherov act, ATucker IL, games
- January 26 KMartin fined,
JKidd and EDampier act, MCarroll and ENajera IL, DMbenga act, AMorrison
IL, DMcGuirre act, NYoung IL, ATucker act, OPecherov IL, SMay act,
JBrockman IL, games
- January 25 CBillups and LJames
PoWs, NO-Chi trade, SGaines signed, DWest acct, AGray IL, NBatum act,
TGriffin act, LBarbosa IL, KFesenko act, KKosta IL, JPetro act, CAnthony
IL, HHaddadi act, LHudson IL, JMoon act, DWest IL, RIvey act, JKapono IL,
- January 24 ENajera and TThomas
act, EDampier and JKidd IL, STelfair out, ABargnani act, MBanks IL,
EGordon IL, MJames act, DMcGuire IL, games
- January 23 CJackson signed,
LBarboa surgery, DGadzuric act, FElson IL, MPeterson act, DWest IL,
TBattie act, DHarris IL, games
- January 22 JCurry signed,
MWest signed, MHaislip released, BRoy out, JHoward act, ENajera IL,
KThomas IL, PO'Bryant act, ABargnani IL, JJones act, DCook IL, KGarnett
act, JGiddens IL, LHead act, TDiener IL, TPrince act, BGordon IL,
NCollison act, DWhite IL, SMarks act, MPeterson IL, KLove act, NJawai IL,
AMorrison act, DMbenga IL, games
- January 21 All-Star starters,
GDavis fined, DWhite surgery, MWilliams IL, BSkinner act, STelfair IL, games
- January 20 RWallace fined,
BGriffin surgery, TGriffin from NBADL, JAlexander to NBADL, SRandolph
released, CMartin signed, ENajera act, JHoward IL, AThornton act, BSkinner
IL, RJefferson act, MHaislip IL, SWeems act, PO'Bryant IL, DGadzuriz IL, games
- January 19 JMcRoberts act,
THansbrough IL, MBelinelli act, SWeems IL, games
- January 18 CAnthony and
SJackson PoWs, Slam Dunk contestants, JSann NJ assistant, TBarrise not NJ
assistant, JStackhouse signed, ECurry surgery, ARandolph IL, HArmstrong
act, MBonner act, RJefferson IL, RHollins act, KLove IL, CKaman act,
AThornton IL, DWhite act, NCollison IL, MMiller act, MJames IL, games
- January 17 ATolliver signed,
MCarroll act, ENajera IL, PO'Bryant act, MBelinelli IL, TLawson act,
JPetro IL, games
- January 16 KKosta act,
KFesenko IL, TFord act, LHeat IL, games
- January 15 SGaines signed,
SWilliams released, GArenas guilty, ENajera act, MCarroll IL, VCarter act,
AFoyle IL, PGasol act, AMorrison IL, JDorsey act, MBanks act, PO'Bryant
IL, KDooling act, TBattie and BSimmons IL, KMartin act, SMay IL, games
- January 14 Dunk-In
contestants, CMiles act, KKosta IL, games
- January 13 DRivers fined,
BGriffin surgery, GShinn surgery, MHarris released, MHairston to NBADL,
PMills to NBADL, JHoward act, ENajera and TThomas IL, DHarris act, TBattie
and KDooling and SWilliams IL, ZPachulia IL, MLandry act, ECurry IL,
TDiener act, TFord IL, games
- January 12 2 teams fined,
ABlatche suspended, MWest signed, JDorsey from NBADL, HArmstrong IL,
LWalton act, PGasol IL, STelfair act, CKaman IL, MJames act, MMiller IL,
- January 11 CKaman and LJames
PoWs, Dal-NJ trade, NO-Sac trade, SWilliams released, CMartin signed,
DGadzuric act, MRedd IL, ARandolph out, KKoufos act, CMiles IL, CAnthony
act, TLawson IL, AHarrington act, CLandry IL, DSummers act, TPrince IL,
AIverson act, RIvery IL, THansbrough act, JMcRoberts IL, games
- January 10 Guaranteed contract
date, BSimmons act, DHarris IL, IMahinmi act, MHairston IL, BSkinner act,
STelfair IL, PO'Bryant act, MBanks IL, games
- January 9 MCarroll and
JSingleton act, JHoward and KHumphries IL, DWilliams act, KKoufos IL,
RIvey act, AIverson IL, AFoyle act, VCarter IL, HHaddadi IL, games
- January 8 Was fined 4,
SRandolph signed, LHudson signed, DWhite from NBADL, BBlackburn died,
EDampier act, JSingleton IL, CBillups act, CAnthony IL, JO'Neal act,
JJones and YDiawara IL, JBoone act, SWilliams IL, DGranger act, TDiener
IL, BCardinal act, RHollins IL, EHouse act, games
- January 7 RAlston signed,
ECurry act, AHarrington IL, game
- January 6 KBryant and LJames
PoMs, GArenas suspended, MMiller act, CKarl released, SRandolph released,
DWilliams IL, PPierce act, EHouse IL, HTurkoglu act, PO'Bryant IL, DGreen
act, JMoon IL, SWilliams and JHayes act, ENajera and BSimmons IL, games
- January 5 Mia-NJ traded,
RAlston released, PMensah-Bonsu released, OHunter released, SGaines
signed, JMoon out, ENajera act, JBoone IL, games
- January 4 LHollins and MBrown
CoMs, TEvans and BJennings RoMs, KDurant and DRose PoWs, MMoore released,
RUkic released, PMills act, JPrzybilla IL, SNovak act, BSkinner IL,
YDiawara act, JO'Neal IL, games
- January 3 JSingleton act,
EDampier IL, WGreen act, RIvery IL, PO'Bryant act, HTurkoglu IL, TDiener
act, THansbrough IL, JBender act, ECurry IL, games
- January 2 GDavis act, KGarnett
IL, JMcGee act, MJames IL, JBoone act, SWilliams IL, games
- January 1 MLandry act, JBender
IL, games
Patricia Bender
Not affiliated with or representing anyone besides myself.