December 2014 NBA Dailys
- December 31 TCorbin Sac
coach, NVonleh act, AJefferson IL, ABargnani act, KDurant act, LThomas IL,
AGoodwin and TEnnis act, ZDragic IL, RHollins act, EMoreland IL, games
- December 30 ABurks out,
AJefferson out, CJefferson act, KGarnett IL, KIrving act, LJames IL,
TChandler act, RLedo IL, JAdams act, LAldridge act, MLeonard IL, DBlair
act, DGooden IL, games
- December 29 LStephenson act,
JTaylor and NVonleh IL, SHawes act, CDouglas-Roberts IL, CBosh act,
JHamilton IL, MWebster act, DBlair IL, games
- December 28 JHarden and
JButler PoWs, TBlack signed, XHenry released, RFelton act, TChandler IL,
PMills act, TParker IL, games
- December 27 PAntic act,
APayne IL, DCousins act, RSessions IL, LFields act, BCaboclo IL, TBooker
act, ABurks IL, games
- December 26 QAcy suspended,
JWall fined, JSmith signed, TBlack released, AVarejao surgery, APayne act,
PAnitc IL, DWilliams act, CJefferson IL, NVonleh act, JPargo IL, APrice
act, KIrving IL, JHenson act, DInglis IL, ZDragic act, TMitchell and
AGoodwin IL, NBatum act, LAldridge IL, EMoreland act, RHollins and
DCousins IL, games
- December 25 Pho-Det trade,
KMcHale signed, AKirk and LAmundson act, AVarejao and APrice IL, FEzeli
IL, games
- December 23 JMcRoberts
surgery, MThomas signed, RTuriaf released, JTeague act, JJenkins IL,
BLopez act, MBrown IL, KHinrich IL, GHill act, IMahinmi IL, EIlyasova act,
JParker IL, WGreen act, DMarble IL, VClaver and LAldridge act, RLopez and
NBatum IL, PWalther died, games
- December 22 LAldridge and
AHorford PoWs, SDalembert fined, JSmith released, TGibson act, DRose IL,
DGallinari IL, DLee act, VClaver act, LAldridge IL, OCasspi IL, TParker
act, KLeonard IL, PChristopher act, TBooker IL, games
- December 21 DGallinari out,
MBrown act, DWilliams IL, ZRandolph IL, ADawkins act, NPekovic IL, DMarble
act, WGreen IL, REvans act, EMoreland IL, BCaboclo act, LFields IL, games
- December 20 LStephenson IL,
RLedo act, RSmith act, NBatum act, RLopez IL, games
- December 19 Hou-Min-Phi
trade, FGarcia released, GMekel released, KGarnett act, MBrown IL, MMiller
act, LAmundson IL, GJerrett act, KDurant IL, RLopez act, NBatum IL,
LNogueira act, BCaboclo IL, games
- December 18 LSanders
suspended, Bos-Dal trade, VFaverani released, JNoah act, DRose and TGibson
IL, KPapanikolaou act, CCapela IL, LThomas act, MMcGary IL, DCousins act,
REvans IL, games
- December 17 PAntic act,
JTeague IL, MBrown act, KGarnett IL, GDragic act, TEnnis IL, CMcCollum
act, RLopez IL, BCaboclo act, LNogueira IL, DFavors act, TMurry IL, games
- December 16 JParker out,
RTuriaf out, MTeletovic act, MBrown IL, CParsons act, RLedo IL, SNapier
and HWhiteside act, CBosh and JMcRoberts IL, LThomas act, MMcGary IL, games
- December 15 JHarden and JWall
PoWs, MMalone fired, TCorbin Sac coach, JMcRoberts out, RLopez injured,
FAldemir signed, ABradley act, MThornton IL, LNogueira act, BCaboclo IL, games
- December 14 CAndersen act,
SNapier and HWhiteside IL, IShumpert IL, MMcGary act, LThomas IL, TEnnis
act, GDragic IL, KLeonard act, TParker IL, BCaboclo act, LNogueira IL,
TMurry act, DFavors IL, games
- December 13 MBarnes fined,
DMcDermott surgery, RLedo act, CParsons IL, DGallinari act, JMcGee IL,
CDouglas-Roberts and RBullock act, SHawes and CWatson IL, DInglis and
JO'Bryant act, JHenson and EIlyasova IL, NVucevic act, DMarble IL, OCasspi
IL, games
- December 12 JGutierrez
released, PChristopher signed, MScott act, PAntic IL, DPowell act,
ABradley and JYoung IL, JJohnson act, MTeletovic IL, PHairston act,
NVonleh IL, JMeeks act, GDatome IL, JStokes act, JAdams IL, TWroten act,
AKirilenko IL, IThomas act, TEnnis IL, LNogueira act, BCaboclo IL, games
- December 11 Phi-Bro trade,
DMorris signed, MLee released, DMcDermott surgery, ICanaan act, FGarcia
IL, games
- December 10 JJenkins act,
MScott IL, JJohnson IL, MKidd-Gilchrist act, PHairston IL, JNoah IL,
JNurkic act, DGallinari IL, ABogut IL, PBeverley act, KPapanikolaou IL,
JFarmar act, TSplitter act, KLeonard IL, games
- December 9 EKanter fined,
JAdams act, JStokes IL, games
- December 8 LAldridge and
KLowry PoWs, MMuscala act, SKarasev act, BLopez IL, MDellavedova act,
MMiller IL, ABurks act, TMurry IL, games
- December 7 IMahinmi out,
MMuscala IL, DWright act, VClaver IL, games
- December 6 TGibson act,
JFarmar IL, RSmith IL, DMarble act, NVucevic IL, games
- December 5 GMekel signed, MLee
signed, DGordon releaed, KGarnett act, SKarasev IL, GNeal act, EGreen act,
JNurkic IL, NCole act, ADawkins IL, PJones act, GJerrett IL, TBurke act,
ABurks IL, games
- December 4 O'Quinn fined,
DCunningham signed, WBarton act, DWright IL, games
- December 3 SCurry and JButler
PoMs, AWiggins and JParker RoMs, EIlyasova out, MSmart act, DPowell IL,
MBrown act, KGarnett IL, CCapela act, ICanaan IL, CWilcox act, RBullock
IL, ADawkins act, NCole IL, TMurry act, TBurke IL, games
- December 2 AAfflalo fined,
DMcDermott IL, AVarejao act, AKirk IL, RSmith act, KDurant act, PJones IL,
TEnnis act, ZDragic IL, BCaboclo act, LNogueira IL, games
- December 1 BGriffin and LJames
PoWs, DJoerger and DCasey CoMs, JMcGee act, EGreen IL, games
Patricia Bender
Not affiliated with or representing anyone besides myself.