April 2015 NBA Dailys
- April 30 BDonovan OKC coach,
RHennigan Orl GM, AWiggins RoY, games
- April 29 DRivers fined, KLove
surgery, KKrover Sportsmanship Award, games
- April 28 early entry
candidates, games
- April 27 JSmith suspended,
KOlynyk suspended, KPerkins fined, SKerr wins RudyT award, KLove out,
BUdrih act, MConley IL, games
- April 26 Games
- April 25 RCarlisle fined,
EClark act, CJefferson IL, NMirotic act, CBairstow IL, RSmith act, BUdrih
IL, games
- April 24 DHarris act, RRondo
IL, games
- April 23 KLeonard DPoY,
KHinrich act, NMirotic IL, DLee act, JMcAdoo IL, games
- April 22 PGasol Magic Johnson
Award, JTerry fined, SBrooks fired, CParsons and RRondo out, CZeller
surgery, MTeletovic act, EClark IL, games
- April 21 MBudenholzer CoY,
GSmith and DPowell act, CParsons and DHarris IL, games
- April 20 LWilliams 6th Man, games
- April 19 RWestbrook and
DDeRozan PoMs, RHood and BBogdanovic RoMs, MUjiri fined, Atl IL, Bos IL,
Bro IL, Cle IL, LAC IL, Mem IL, Por IL, SA IL, games
- April 18 BKnight surgery, Chi
IL, Dal IL, GS IL, Hou IL, Mil IL, NO IL, Tor IL, Was IL, games
- April 17 DRivers and BStevvens
CoMs, TSefolosha surgery, draft tiebreakers
- April 15 PMillsap act, MScott
IL, JYoung and CBabb act, ABradley and IThomas IL, JNoah IL, JHarris act,
LJames IL, MEllis act, DHarris IL, JMcAdoo act, DLee IL, JHoliday act,
JWithey IL, TBurke act, GHayward IL, games
- April 14 ARivers IL, AJohnson
act, BCaboclo IL, DBlair act, Nene IL, games
PoWs, VBlue signed, DBuycks released, CBairstow act, KHinrich IL, KLove
act, JHarris IL, DHarris act, MEllis IL, DArthur IL, LBarbosa act, JMcAdoo
IL, JWithey act, JHoliday IL, games
- April 12 JFranklin signed,
SRandolph released, LHudson signed, DStockton signed, SBhullar released,
IShumpert act, KLove IL, RRondo act, DHarris IL, KAnderson act, MBonner
IL, JWall act, DBlair IL, games
- April 11 RRubio surgery,
JMcNeal signed, JButler act, CBairstow IL, AAfflalo IL, games
- April 10 LHudson released,
JJenkins act, TSefolosha IL, JHarris act, IShumpert IL, GSmith act, RRondo
IL, RSmith act, MConley IL, JHoliday act, JWithey IL, NCollison act,
LRidnour act, BGordon IL, MBelinelli act, KAnderson IL, KLowry act,
LNogueira IL, GJerrett act, TBurke IL, Nene act, games
- April 9 DMotiejunas surgery,
JMcAdoo act, LBarbosa IL, CBairstow act, JButler IL, games
- April 8 TSefolosha injured,
NPekovic surgery, SRandolph signed, RLedo signed, ADaye act, JJenkins IL,
DRose and KHinrich act, CBairstow IL, DArthur act, JNelson and SRandolph
IL, GMonroe act, SDinwiddie IL, KPapnikolaou act, CWatson act, CCopeland
IL, EFournier act, LRidnour IL, KAnderson act, MBelinelli IL, LNogueira
act, AJohnson IL, PPierce act, JWall IL, games
- April 7 JGutierrez signed,
AOnuaku signed, DSchroeder act, PMillsap IL, Brush act, JMcAdoo IL,
JCrawford act, EUdoh IL, ALen act, BKnight IL, RGay act, DCousins IL, games
- April 6 JHarden and BLopez
PoWs, CLandry suspended, CBabb signed, SRandolph released, EClark signed,
WBynum signed, Hall of Fame inductees, game
- April 5 SLivingston suspended,
KLove act, JHarris IL, JMcAdoo act, BRush IL, PGeorge act, CWatson IL,
RWilliams act, TSplitter IL, games
- April 4 ADaye signed, MScott
act, ADaye IL, DPowell act, CParsons IL, DGreen act, JMcAdoo IL, BKnight
act, ALen IL, Nene IL, games
- April 3 RWestbrook and LJames
PoMs, JClarkson and NMirotic RoMs, DBuycks signed, JSullinger act,
SRandolph IL, DMcDermott act, KHinrich IL, KBryant IL, DWright IL, RGay
IL, games
- April 2 SBhullar signed, DWear
released, NPekovic surgery, DWright injured, JHarris act, KLove IL, games
- April 1 SKerr and DBlatt CoMs,
JBrown signed, APrice released, SNash released, JMcNeal signed, SNapier
surgery, MEllis and JBarea act, DPowell and GSmith IL, DArthur IL, TJones
act, DMotiejunas IL, RPrice IL, JAyres act, RWilliams IL, KHumphries act,
PPierce IL, games
Patricia Bender
Not affiliated with or representing anyone besides myself.