December 2015 NBA Dailys
- December 31 AJefferson
surgery, CEarly out, RChristmas and SWhittington act, IMahinmi and GHill
IL, DRudez act, KGarnett IL, MMcGary act, SNovak IL, games
- December 30 CEarly shot, DLee
act, TRozier IL, MMorris act, RPrice IL, EDavis act, CAlexander IL, games
- December 29 RHollins signed,
RSmith released, EBledsoe surgery, ABurks surgery, SKaun act, KIrving IL,
- December 28 RWestbrook and
MGortat PoWs, MBarnes suspended, Pho assistant changes, TWroten released,
WTavares act, TSplitter IL, PHairston act, SHawes IL, KIrving act, SKaun
IL, JAnderson act, DWilliams, TJohnson act, JStokes IL, JBayless act,
DInglis IL, AAjinca act, DMarble act, BCotton act, EBledsoe IL, MGinobili
act, RButler IL, JValanciunas act, BCaboclo IL, ABurks IL, games
- December 27 MLemon died,
MSmart act, JMickey IL, RKelly act, MWorld Peace IL, CEarly act, LAmundson
IL, CAlexander act, EDavis IL, DDukan act, EMoreland IL, games
- December 26 AJohnson act,
DLee IL, SKaun act, KIrving IL, DHarris and DWilliams act, SMejri and
JAnderson IL, ARivers act, BGriffin IL, JAdams act, JEnnis IL, KO'Quinn
act, CEarly IL, CJefferson act, MMorris IL, RMcCallum and RButler act,
TDuncan and MGinobili IL, DCarroll act, NPowell IL, games
- December 25 CFelicio act,
JNoah IL, BDawson act, ARivers IL, NYoung act, RKelly IL, GDragic act,
MBonner act, RButler IL, games
- December 24 NO-Phi trade,
MMorris suspended
- December 23 JEddie signed,
RHollins released, MWilliams act, SKaun IL, SMejri act, DWilliams IL,
RKelly act, NYoung IL, TJones and DRudez IL, CLandry act, CWood IL,
CMcCollum act, CAlexander IL, games
- December 22 JNoah out,
JAnderson act, DHarris IL, JNurkic act, DGallinari IL, BJennings act,
SDinwiddie IL, GDragic IL, DWright act, BCaboclo IL, games
- December 21 KLeonard and
RJackson PoWs, JMickey act, AJohnson IL, PGasol act, CFelicio IL, CEarly
act, KO'Quinn IL, LMontero and CAlexander act, DLillard and CMcCollum IL,
RButler act, MBonner IL, games
- December 20 JKidd surgery,
KIrving and IShumpert act, JHarris and MWilliams IL, TDouglas act, AAjinca
IL, CKaman act, LMontero IL, BCaboclo act, DCarroll IL, games
- December 19 PGeorge fined,
NBatum act, PHairston IL, CFelicio act, PGasol IL, MWorld Peace act,
RKelly IL, AMorrow act, JHuestis IL, games
- December 18 TLawson
suspended, MD'Antoni Phi assistant, JJenkins act, JAnderson IL, JStokes
act, TJohnson IL, LMontero act, CKaman IL, TDuncan act, RButler IL, games
- December 17 PHairston act,
NBatum IL, JHarris act, IShumpert IL, JHuestis act, AMorrow IL, games
- December 16 EMoreland
injured, BWright surgery, AJefferson act, PHairston IL, JAnderson act,
JJenkins IL, TJohnson act, BMarjanovic act, TDuncan IL, TPleiss act,
RGobert IL, games
- December 15 GVasquez surgery,
RHunter act, MHarrell act, JClarkson act, MWorld Peace IL, games
- December 14 KDurant and
DDeRozan PoWs, MScott act, WTavares IL, DWilliams act, JAnderson IL,
EMudiay IL, RAnderson act, TDouglas IL, CWood act, games
- December 13 JMartin and
JEnnis act, BWright IL, TChandler act, CJefferson IL, DCarroll act,
BCaboclo IL, games
- December 12 BBeal out, GS
loss, TSplitter act, THardaway IL, JAnderson act, DWilliams IL, KMcDaniels
act, MBonner and TParker act, BMarjanovic and RMcCallum IL, games
- December 11 RRondo suspended,
BBrown extension, JWilliams died, RHunter IL, IShumpert act, GHarris act,
ABrown act, JClarkson IL, AStoudemire act, TJohnson and JMcRoberts IL,
KPerkins act, RAdnerson IL, KMarshall act, CWood IL, MMorris act, BCotton
IL, RMcCullum and BMarjanovic act, MBonner and TParker IL, DGooden act, games
- December 10 DSchayes died,
WTavares and THardaway act, MScott and TSplitter IL, ABargnani act,
RHollis-Jefferson IL, games
- December 9 AJefferson
suspended, RHollis-Jefferson surgery, DHarris and JBarea act, JAnderson
and SMejri IL, LDeng act, BCotton act, MMorris IL, TDuncan and KLeonard
act, BMarjanovic and RMcCallum IL, LNogueirra act, DWright IL, MGortat
act, games
- December 8 MHarrell IL, JEnnis
IL, games
- December 7 SCurry and RJackson
PoWs, JColangelo Phi CBO, RHollis-Jefferson surgery, PPressey released,
CBairstow act, CFelicio IL, SMejri act, DHarris IL, CPaul act, CWilcox IL,
BMarjanovic and RButler act, TDuncan and KLeonard IL, BCaboclo and DWright
act, DCarroll and LNogueira IL, games
- December 6 Games
- December 5 DMotiejunas act,
KMcDaniels IL, LDeng IL, DInglis act, JBayless IL, TWroten act, KMarshall
IL, OCasspi act, WCauley-Stein IL, RMcCallum act, BMarjanovic IL, BCaboclo
IL, games
- December 4 TSplitter act,
WTavares IL, JHarris IL, LAmundson act, CEarly IL, MMorris act, BCotton
IL, MGortat IL, games
- December 3 SCurry and PGeorge
PoMs, KTowns and Porzingis RoMs, ABaynes surgery, WCauley-Stein out,
GHarris IL, JStokes IL, CKaman act, CAlexander IL, EMoreland act, OCasspi
IL, BMarjanovic act, RButler IL, JJohnson act, DWright IL, games
- December 2 JOkafor suspended,
RGobert out, SClifford extension, PHairston act, AJefferson IL, CWatson
act, CPaul IL, RSacre act, TBlack IL, BCotton act, MMorris IL, BCaboclo
and DWright act, JJohnson IL, JLoscutoff died, games
- December 1 LWalton and DBlatt
CoMs, RJackson fined, Phi won, WReed act, ABargnani IL, LWilliams act,
RSacre IL, RRubio act, TJones IL, TEvans act, DMarble IL, games
Patricia Bender
Not affiliated with or representing anyone besides myself.