November 2015 NBA Dailys
- November 30 KDurant and
PGeorge PoWs, MWebster released, RHollins signed, AJefferson out, WTavares
act, THardaway IL, JStokes act, AStoudemire IL, SNovak act, MMcGary IL,
DCousins act, EMoreland IL, MBonner act, BMarjanovic IL, DFavors act,
TPleiss IL, games
- November 29 DSloan act, WReed
IL, TEnnis act, GVasquez IL, NBjelica act, RRubio IL, CEarly act,
LAmundson IL, CJefferson act, TChandler and BCotton IL, games
- November 28 TSefolosha act,
WTavares IL, WReed act, DSloan IL, DHarris act, JBarea IL, JNurkic act,
JMcAdoo act, HBarnes IL, RSacre act, LWilliams IL, MLeonard act, CKaman
IL, CButler act, DCousins IL, TDuncan and MGinobili act, MBonner and
RMcCallum IL, LNogueira act, BCaboclo IL, TPleiss act, DFavors IL, Nene
IL, games
- November 27 JKidd suspended,
KBazemore act, TSefolosha IL, JLauvergne act, KFaried IL, AStoudemire act,
LDeng IL, EBledsoe act, CJefferson IL, BMarjanovic and MBonner act,
TDuncan and MGinobili IL, games
- November 25 BCotton signed,
SClifford extension, TDaniels act, PHairston IL DHarris act, CParsons IL,
PBeverley act, BMarjanovic act, NBjelica IL, EBledsoe act, TChandler IL,
EMoreland act, CButler IL, LAldridge act, BMarjanovic IL, DWright IL, games
- November 24 GS win streak,
DMutombo's # retired, WTavares act, TSplitter IL, DRose act, CBairstow IL,
JJenkins act, DHarris IL, BRush act, JMcAdoo IL, games
- November 23 SCurry and LJames
PoWs, MBudenholzer fined, BWallace's and CBillup's numbers to be retired,
PHairston act, TDaniels IL, BMarjanovic act, NBjelica IL, CJefferson act,
EBledsoe IL, RGay act, EMoreland IL, JSimmons act, MBonner IL, games
- November 22 JYoung and
TRozier act, MSmart IL, JJenkins act, SMejri IL, JLauvergne IL, LNogueira
act, JValanciunas IL, games
- November 21 JValanciunas
injured, JTeague act, WTavares IL, CAnderson act, AStoudemire IL,
EMoreland act, RGay IL, MGinobili and MBonner act, LAldridge and JSimmons
IL, games
- November 20 MWebster surgery,
TMozgov out, JFreddette released, TRozier IL, CVillanueva act, JJenkins
IL, JLauvergne act, JNurkic IL, SLivingston act, BRush IL, KBryant act,
ABrown IL, KGarnett act, NBjelica IL, TWarren act, CJefferson IL,
BMarjanovic act, MBonner IL, games
- November 19 DCousins
suspended, OMayo and JParker act, TEnnis and DInglis on IL, games
- November 18 KMcHale fired,
JBickerstaff Hou coach, CFelicio act, DRose IL, JJenkins act, CVillanueva
IL, JNurkic act, JLauvergne IL, TJones act, KGarnett IL, ARoberson act,
JHuestis IL, VOladipo act, CWatson IL, RPrice act, TWarren IL, DCollison
act, EMoreland IL, JSimmons and MBonner act, MGinobili and BMarjanovic IL,
- November 17 WChandler
surgery, WTavares act, KBazemore IL, LBarbosa act, SLivingston IL, GGreen
and DWade act, CAndersen and JStokes IL, TEnnis act, JParker IL, RRubio
act, TJones IL, games
- November 16 DCousins and
NBatum PoWs, MTurner surgery, CParsons act, JJenkins IL, KMcDaniels act,
SDekker IL, ABrown act, KBryant IL, JHuestis act, ARoberson IL, KLeonard
and MGinobili act, MBonner and JSimmons IL, games
- November 15 LPatterson act,
JTeague IL, CZeller act, PHairston IL, TRoss act, BCaboclo IL, RHood act,
TPleiss IL, games
- November 14 JJenkins act,
CParsons IL, BRush act, KLooney IL, SDekker act, PBeverley IL,
MCarter-Williams act, TEnnis IL, CJefferson act, RPrice IL, BMarjanovic
and JSimmons act, KLeonard and MGinobili IL, games
- November 13 THardaway act,
LPatterson IL, ABradley act, JYoung IL, AHarrison act, CZeller IL,
KHinrich act, CFelicio IL, CParsons act, JJenkins IL, SDekker IL, KBryant
act, ABrown IL, SNovak act, KDurant IL, JSmith act, VOladipo IL,
CAlexander act, MLeonard IL, SCurry act, DDukan IL, DCarroll act,
LNogueira IL, RGobert act, RHood IL, games
- November 12 MTurner injured,
BRush act, LBarbosa IL, DWade IL, KGarnett act, RRubio IL, JWithey act,
RGobert IL, games
- November 11 WChandler
injured, MLeonard injured, KDurant injured, MSmart act, ABradley IL,
JJenkins act, CParsons IL, IClark act, BRush IL, TJones and PBeverley act,
JMcDaniels IL, AAfflalo act, CEarly IL, NVucevic act, JSmith IL,
GHenderson act, CAlexander IL, MBonner act, BMarjanovic IL, games
- November 10 Mia-Mem trade,
GGreen suspended, JFredette signed, JYoung act, JMickey IL, SMejri act,
JJenkins IL, ABrown act, KBryant IL, TJones act, KGarnett IL, BCaboclo
act, TRoss IL, games
- November 9 JHarden and
ADrummond PoWs, CHayes released, TSplitter act, WTavares IL, ABogut act,
IClark IL, KMartin act, TJones IL, DCousins act, SCurry IL, games
- November 8 CAlexander act,
LMontero IL, LNogueira act, DCarroll IL, games
- November 7 TSefolosha and
WTavares act, THardaway and TSplitter IL, TJones act, KMartin IL, DDukan
act, DCollison IL, games
- November 6 KKorver act,
TSefolosha IL, JMickey act, PBeverley IL, JRichardson act, MChalmers IL,
JHenson act, MCarter-Williams IL, NCole act, KPerkins IL, DMarble act,
NVucevic IL, games
- November 5 KPapanikolaou
signed, EGreen released, RCarlisle extension, JJenkins act, SMejri IL,
JStokes act, JAdams IL, AStoudemire act, MChalmers IL, games
- November 4 PPressey signed,
TSefolosha act, KKorver IL, MSmart IL, TEnnis and JParker act, OMayo and
JHenson IL, LAmundson act, AAfflalo IL, DBooker act, CJefferson IL,
TPleiis act, JWithey IL, games
- November 3 THardaway act,
TSefolosha IL, JAnderson act, JJenkins IL, GRobinson act, SWhittington IL,
LNance act, ABrown IL, JRichardson and CAndersen act, GGreen and
AStoudemire IL, EMoreland act, DCousins IL, games
- November 2 SCurry and
ADrummond PoWs, JLamb extension, CZeller option picked up, TRoss
extension, CJefferson act, DBooker IL, BMarjanovic act, MBonner IL, games
- November 1 CHayes signed,
MMuscala and KKorver act, WTavares and THardaway IL, TDaniels act,
AHarrison IL, CBairstow act, KHinrich IL, CParsons act, JAnderson IL,
TJones IL, MWorld Peace act, RSacre IL, CPayne act, SNovak IL, games
Patricia Bender
Not affiliated with or representing anyone besides myself.