NBA Dailys
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- January 31 DRussell act,
JRandle IL, JSimmons acr, BForbes IL, DWright act, DDeRozan IL, games
- January 30 DCousins and
DWaiters PoWs, QAcy signed, CRandle signed, TDouglas signed, TWilliams
released, AHorford act, WBaldwin act, DDavis IL, games
- January 29 TSefolosha IL,
ICanaan act, TGibson IL, DJones act, SCurry IL, MPlumlee act, DRose IL,
SChriston act, EKanter IL, EDAvis act, TQuarterman IL, DDeRozan act,
BCabaclo IL, games
- January 28 YFerrell signed,
PJackson released, JStone act, CPaul IL, games
- January 27 LPatterson signed,
GNeal released, OWhite signed, RPrice signed, EKanters surgery, MMuscala
act, AHorford IL, BWright act, JMartin IL, TQuarterman act, EDavis IL,
TParker act, JSimmons IL, games
- January 26 All-Star reserves,
JO'Bryant signed, EKanter injured, AHammons act, DWilliams IL, ABrooks
act, KSeraphin IL, JDudley act, DBender IL, RHood act, RNeto IL, games
- January 25 Rookie-Sophomore
contestants, ZPachulia fined, PJackson signed, GGreen act, DJackson IL,
JLamb act, CZeller IL, ABogut act, JBarea IL, AIguodala act, DJones IL,
ADavis act, CDiallo IL, games
- January 24 JMeeks surgery,
JJerebko act, GGreen IL, RRubio act, DJones act, JDudley IL, TParker IL,
LNoguiera act, DDeRozan IL, games
- January 23 KLeonard and
JEmbiid PoWs, SKerr West coach, JAnthony signed, JLin out, CMcCullough
act, JHarris IL, KCaldwell-Pope act, AIguodala IL, RChristmas act, ABrooks
IL, AAjinca act, ADavis IL, games
- January 22 ABrown signed,
GHarris act, EMudiay IL, DJones act, SLivingston IL, LNanace and LDeng
act, MWorld Peace and DRussell IL, RRubio IL, JMeeks IL, PPatterson act,
DWright IL, games
- January 21 DRussell out,
MWilliams signed and cut, JYoung and TZeller act, ABradley and JJerebko
IL, DHood act, JLamb IL, WChandler act, DArthur and GHarris IL, JLeuer
act, MGbinije IL, JNoah act, MPlumlee IL, RHolmes act, BForves act, PGasol
IL, games
- January 20 SLowe fined, QAcy
signed, CRandle signed, MWilliams signed and released, PGasol
surgery, CWood act, DHood IL, TGibson act, ICanaan IL, JMcAdoo act, DWest
IL, CDiallo act, AJinca IL, GPapagiannis act, RGay IL, DWright act,
PPatterson IL, games
- January 19 All-Star starters,
new CBA signed, JMeeks out, AGee released, GHarris act, WChandler IL,
JWinslow IL, DMurray act, BForbes IL, games
- January 18 Atl-Den trade,
GNeal signed, RGay injured, DWest out, MMuscala IL, MGbinije act, JLeuer
IL, AVarejao act, JMcAdoo IL, KPorzingis act, JNoah IL, SLabissiere act,
OCaspi IL, JSullinger act, LNogueira IL, games
- January 17 OWhite signed,
CPaul surgery, OCaspi out, BLopez act, CMcCullough IL, NMirotic act,
TGibson IL, AGee act, GHarris IL, games
- January 16 GHayward and
DDeRozan PoWs, ABradley act, JMcAdoo act, AVarejao IL, AAjinca act,
CDiallo IL, MPlumlee act, LThomas IL, JJohnson act, RHood IL, games
- January 15 PJAckson signed,
IWhitehead act, BLopez IL, NBrussino act, ABogut IL, CCapela act, COnuaku
IL, ZLaVine act, games
- January 14 JCrowder and JWall
fined, JButler act, MWorld Peace act, LDeng IL, OAsik act, AAjinca IL,
BForbes act, DMurray IL, RNeto act, JJohnson IL, games
- January 13 PMaravich's # to be
retired, MDunleavy act, CMcCullough act, IWhitehead IL, RBullock act,
KCaldwell-Pope IL, EGordon act, DDavis act, WBaldwin IL, RHolmes IL,
- January 12 TBooker act,
CMcCullough IL, MBeasley act, AGee and DArthur IL, KThompson act, JMcAdoo
IL, IZubac act, MWorld Peace IL, OAsik act, ADavis IL, MNdour act,
KPorzingis IL, games
- January 11 JAnderson fined,
KO'Quinn fined, EGordon IL, ZLaVine IL, MKuzmaskas act, MNdour IL,
KSingler act, SChriston IL, games
- January 10 DRose fined, QAcy
signed, CRandle signed, CMcCllough act, TBooker IL, NBatum act, DVAlentine
act, JButler and NMirotic IL, JMcAdoo act, KThompson IL, MWorld Peace act,
IZubac IL, RVaughn act, SNovak IL, games
- January 9 SCurry and JButler
PoWs, JClarkson fined, ABennett released, PZipser act, DValentine IL,
NBrussino IL, CDiallo act, OAsik IL, MNdour act, MKuzminskas IL, games
- January 8 AGee signed, BBrown
act, KWilter IL, IZubac act, MWorld Peace act, CWilcox IL, games
- January 7 Atl-Cle trade, JLucas
released, TPrince act, MDunleavy IL, ABradley IL, CZeller act, CWood and
NBatum IL, DValentine act, PZipser IL, JBarea act, JHermangomez IL, GNiang
act, RChristmas IL, SMuhammad act, DMontiejunas act, CDiallo IL, CPayne
act, KSingler IL, GHill act, RNeto IL, Det@Por postponed, games
- January 6 Cle-Por trade, RKelly
released, PJackson released, AGee released, AOnuaku released, JJenkins
released, JSmith IL, AVarejao act, DJones IL, JLucas act, SMuhammad IL,
KPorzingis act, MPlumlee IL, games
- January 5 JWinslow surgery,
KFarried and AGee act, MBeasley and JHernangomez IL, COnuaku act, BBrown
IL, RChristmas act, GNiang IL, MWold Peace act, IZubac IL, DMotiejunas IL,
DLillard act, TQuarterman IL, DExum act, GHill IL, games
- January 4 MD'Antoni and DCasey
CoMs, HThompson released, MBelinelli act, DWade act, DValentine IL, PMcCaw
act, JMcAdoo IL, TWilliams act, DWAiters act, JMcRoberts IL, MPlumlee act,
MNdour IL, EFournier act, CWilcox IL, games
- January 3 JHarden and JWall
PoMs, BHield and JEmbiid RoMs, DMotiejunas signed, AHarison released,
QPondexter surgery, DJackson and JMickey act, JYoung and TZeller IL,
ABogut act, AHammons IL, DArthur act, AGee IL, AAfflalo and RGay act,
SLabissiere and GPapagiannis IL, games
- January 2 JHarden and JWall
PoWs, CWood act, CZeller IL, PZipser act, DWade IL, MBeasley and AGee act,
DArthur and KFaried IL, AVarejao act, DJones IL, KO'Quinn act, MPlumlee
IL, ABurks act, JBolomoby IL, games
- January 1 RWilliams released,
RKelly act, TPrince IL, IZubac act, MPeace IL, AOnuaku act, SZimmerman IL,
Patricia Bender
Not affiliated with or representing anyone besides myself.