March 2017 NBA Dailys
- March 31 DHarris fined,
JNurkic out, ABradley IL, SMejri act, AHammons IL, MMiller act, WBarton
IL, MHarrell act, TWilliams IL, JMartin act, AHarrison IL, MBeasley act,
JHenson IL, CAnthony IL, KSingler act, TGibson IL, SMcClellan act, DOchefu
IL, games
- March 30 LJames 7th,
LStephenson signed, ANicholson act, QAcy IL, CFelicio act, CPayne IL,
COnuaku act, MHarrell IL, DBooker act, LBarbosa IL, games
- March 29 JUthoff signed,
MHarris released, QCook signed, JEddie signed, RStuckey released,
KBazemore act, MDunleav IL, SCurry and AHammons act, SMejri IL, JRedick
act, WJohnson IL, JNoah act, DRose IL, ABurks act, GHill IL, DOchefu act,
SMcClellan IL, games
- March 28 AJefferson out,
SKilpatrick act, ANicholson IL, RHibbert act, MMiller IL, GNiang act,
RStuckey IL, RPrice act, DBooker IL, BBogdanovic act, DOchefu IL, games
- March 27 JHarden and DDeRozan
PoWs, KFelder and IShumpert act, KKorver and LSanders IL, DHarris and
JUthoff act, SCurry and AHammons IL, MGbinje and HElleson act, RBullock
and RJackson IL, CAnthony act, LThomas IL, DGreen act, JAnthony IL, SMack
act, ABurks IL, games
- March 26 MMiller act, RHibbert
IL, TWilliams act, RAnderson IL, JYoung act, GRobinson IL, WJohnson act,
JRedick IL, TMozgov act, BIngram, WBaldwin act, CDiallo act, games
- March 25 JNoah suspended,
AGoodwin signed, LSanders act, IShumpert IL, AHammons act, JUthoff IL,
MNdour act, JUthoff IL, MNdour act, CAnthony IL, JAnthony act, DGreen IL,
SMcClellan act, BBogdanovic IL, games
- March 24 JEmbiid surgery,
MPlumlee act, JO'Bryant IL, DGallinari act, MMiller IL, AIguodala act,
DOchefu act, SMcClellan IL, games
- March 23 JUthoff act, MHarris
IL, DLee act, JAnthony IL, games
- March 22 RLopez and SIbaka
suspended, JMagloire fined, SZimmerman act, JGreen IL, CPayne act,
CFelicio IL, KKorver act, KFelder IL, WChandler act, MBeasley IL,
BMcLemore and AAfflalo act, MRichardson IL, games
- March 21 DNwaba signed,
AIguodala IL, DBooker act, RPrice IL, MGinobili act, DLee IL, JKrause
died, games
- March 20 DLillard and
HWhiteside PoWs, TWilliams signed, OCasspi signed, MDunleavy ad DBembry
act, KBazemore and PMillsap IL, IThomas act, DJackson IL, KPorzingis act,
MNdour IL, JMeeks act, SZimmerman IL, MMorris act, DOchefu IL, games
- March 19 GMonroe and NYoung
and DRussell fined, BWeber signed, MHarris and JUthoff signed, QCook
signed, JEddie signed, LStephenson released, LAllen act, JYoung IL, TBlack
act, TMozgov IL, DBooker IL, JAnthony act, MGinobili IL, games
- March 18 WSelden released,
WSelden signed, TDouglas released, KFelder act, LSanders IL, DJordan act,
WJohnson IL, CParsons IL, ETurner act, EDavis IL, MRichardson act,
AAfflalo and BMcLemore IL, TParker act, JAnthony IL, games
- March 17 DJackson act, IThomas
IL, AMorrow act, DWade IL, WMatthews act, JUthoff IL, TMozgov act, TBlack
IL, CDiallo act, SMcCellan act, MMorris IL, games
- March 16 JO'Bryant signed,
JCrawford signed, SLong signed, NBjelica out, RKelly act, DBembry IL,
SKilpatrick IL, KLove act, KKorver IL, KFaried act, DGallinari IL,
WJohnson act, DJordan IL, MNdour act, KPorzingis IL, games
- March 15 LAldridge okay,
HThompson released, ICanaan act, CPayne IL, NNoel act, WMatthews IL,
JYoung act, LAllen IL, LAldridge act, TParker IL, DOchefu act, SMcClellan
IL, games
- March 14 AGoodwin signed,
KFelder IL, DGreen act, DJones IL, games
- March 13 KTowns and JWall
PoWs, AIguodala fined, LSanders signed, ABogut released, JHarper
released, CParsons out, DHoward act, RKelly IL, NMirotic act, ICanaan
IL, MHarris and JUthoff act, AHammons IL, MBeasley act, WChandler IL,
KLeonard act, DMurray IL, SMcClellan act, DOchefu IL, games
- March 12 JYoung act, JMickey
IL, ICanaan act, NMirotic IL, MWorld Peace act, TMozgov IL, games
- March 11 DNwaba signed,
DHoward IL, AHammons act, MHarris and JUthoff IL, DJones act, DGreen IL,
OAsik act, CDiallo IL, KAnderson and MGinobili act, KLeonard and LAldridge
IL, DOchefu act, SMcClellan IL, games
- March 10 MMorris fined,
MHarris and JUthoff signed, TWilliams signed, NJokic act, MBeasley IL,
MCarter-Williams and DWade act, AMorrow IL, JBarea act, NNoel IL, KWiltjer
act, TWilliams IL, games
- March 9 JDudley fined,
BJennings fined, DCousins fined, BWeber signed, QCook and BBentil
released, Por@Min game resched, JSmith act, ABogut IL, KLeonard and
LAldridge act, KAnderson and MGinobili IL, games
- March 8 LStephenson signed,
WSelden signed, RWilliams released, AHorford act, JYoung IL, RRondo act,
ICanaan IL, LAllen act, JYoung IL, JAnthony and BForbes act, LAldridge and
KLeonard IL, GHill act, DFavors IL, games
- March 7 RPelinka LAL GM,
DNowitzki 30000pts, IZubac act, LDeng IL, VOladipo act, KSingler IL,
- March 6 KLeonard and KWalker
PoWs, JO'Bryant signed, JCrawford signed, SLong signed, JJack released,
ABogut injured, ABradley act, AMorrow act, DWade and RRondo IL, MBeasley
act, NJokic IL, MGinobili act, JAnthony IL, JBolomboy act, GHiIL, Por@Min
game postponed, games
- March 5 HThompson signed, FEzeli
surgery, TZeller act, ABradley and AHorford IL, WMatthews act, AHammons IL,
TYoung act, LAllen IL, LDeng act, IZubac IL, WHernangomez act, MNdour IL,
GTemple act, RHood act, SMack IL, games
- March 4 MBudenholzer suspended,
JCalderon signed, TJones signed, AToupane released, JHamilton act, JHarris
IL, KFelder act, JAnthony act, MGinboli IL, games
- March 3 JHarper signed, GGreen
act, TZeller IL, ANicholson act, JHamilton IL, TRobinson act, LDeng IL,
CWatson act, TParker act, JAnthony IL, TBurke and BJennings act, DOchefu
and CMcCullough IL, games
- March 2 RWestbrook and LJames
PoMs, YFerrell and DSaric RoMs, ABogut signed, MBarnes signed, KDurant IL,
PZipser act, AMorrow IL, VOladipo IL, games
- March 1 GPopovich and
ESpoelstra CoMs, JCalderon signed an released, NCole signed, BJennings
signed, DHouse released, JMcRae released, KDurant out, JEmbiid out, EDavis
out, CLevert and QAcy act, ANicholson IL, KFelder IL, AHammons act,
WMatthews IL, DHillard act, MGbinije IL, ITaylor IL, AJefferson act,
TYoung IL, KMiddleton act, MBeasley IL, KPorzinigis act, WHernangomez IL,
ABogut act, JEmbiid IL, MRichardson IL, JAnthony act, TParker IL, RNeto
act, RHood IL, CMcCullough act, TBurke and BJennings IL, games
Patricia Bender
Not affiliated with or representing anyone besides myself.