April 1996 NBA Dailys
- April 2 - TMoore signed, ALang
activated, DWest activated, DMartin on IR, VAskew activated, SFord on IR,
CHerrera activated, DDemps on IR, ASabonis Player of the Week, JStackhouse
Rookie of the Month, games
- April 3 - RChurchwell signed,
CMartin signed, EMobley on IR, DRobinson Player of the Month, BHill Coach
of the Month, SMarbury declares, games
- April 4 - GHammink signed, games
- April 5 - BThornton signed,
JEdwards activated, JSalley on IR, CDrexler and MElie activated, MBooker
and TMoore on IR, RParish record games, games
- April 6 - JStackhouse injured,
RParish record, games
- April 7 - Games
- April 8 - CRogers on IR, games
- April 9 - DO'Sullivan signed,
KJohnson Player of the Week, games
- April 10 - NVan Exel suspended, games
- April 11 - MRichmond and
CBarkley probably Dream Teamers, HoGrant suspended, MMacon released,
GMuresan injured, games
- April 12 - BWilliams on IR,
KTower activiated, COakley injured, games
- April 13 - SCassell
activiated, TBreaux on IR, CMartin signed, CBarkley and MRichmond on
Olympic team, Olympic team roster, games
- April 14 - RMiller injured,
LLongley activiated, JCaffey on IR, Chicago wins 69, games
- April 15 - Magic suspended,
Mia fined, RMiller on IR< FHoiberg activated, ABonner signed, JKoncak
activated, DVaughn on IR, games
- April 16 - EWilliams out,
FRoberts activiated, AMiller on IR, JHoward Player of the Week, Chi 70
wins, games
- April 17 - JAmaechi activated,
DJohnson on IR, CLewis signed, games
- April 18 - TLegler surgery,
RGrandison activated, COakley on IR, games
- April 19 - DEdwards activated,
RManning on IR, SFord activated, and FBrickowski on IR, games
- April 20 - PDanilovic
activated, CGatling on IR, season ends, games
- April 21 - HOlajuwon record
blocks, RSmits on IR, DSchintzius activated, games, 1st round
- April 22 - BMalone fired,
DWalker hired, BBeard fired, RAllen declares
- April 23 - ABristow fired,
SKemp and THammonds suspended, LEackles suspended, PJackson Coach of the
Month, DScott Player of the Week
- April 24 - ASabonis Rookie of
the Month, JHoward Player of the Month, draft order for tied teams
- April 25 - Playoffs start,
DRobinson wins IBM Award, RManning surgery, games
- April 26 - Was keeps TLegler, games
- April 27 - MDunleavy fired, games
- April 28 - Games
- April 29 - CDudley wins
citizenship award, DRodman fined, JGabriel and PWilliams prompted, KBryant
and MCamby declare, games
- April 30 - JNash resigns,
OMiller free agent, IBM award formula, games
Patricia Bender
Not affiliated with or representing anyone besides myself.