January 1996 NBA Dailys
- January 2 - MFratello Coach of
the Month, KMalone Player of the Week, PDanilovic out 3-4 months, games
- January 3 - DHodge activated,
TBest on IR, FHoiberg activated, SBurrell on IR, MAdams activated, GSutton
released, A Harvery signed, SPippen Player of the Month, JSmith Rookie of
the Month, games
- January 4 - MSmith on IR,
BHouston activated, Vander Velden released, JMalone and MBrown released,
SHiggins on IR, games, quote
- January 5 - Lots of player
movement, games
- January 6 - LEllis activated,
AMourning activated, SKing on IR, games
- January 7 - Two games postponed, games
- January 8 - Three games
- January 9 - RChildress on IR,
CRobinson Player of the Week, DMoe and BLanier named as rookie coaches,
10-day contracts, games
- January 10 - RSlater signed,
LHarris on IR, GSutton signed, RRobinson signed, ESpencer signed,
LWilliams injured, games
- January 11 - LWilliams
surgery, RTomjanovich signs extension, LThompson signed, MCurry signed,
3-pt shoot-out contestents, games
- January 12 - DMartin traded,
PRiley and DRodman fined, HGrant on IR, JTurner activated, RPack on IR,
JAmaechi on IR, RManning signed, rescheduled games, DBarros record ended,
All-Star balloting ended, games
- January 13 - KMalone contract
extension, RTarpley to Greece, games
- January 14 - One game
- January 15 - ADeClercq
activated, DWood released, KEdwards on IR, GGlass activated, games
- January 16 - PWestphal fired,
CFitzsimmons hired, DRobinson Player of the Week, RGrandison signed,
Rookie Participants, games
- January 17 - CCheaney
activated, LEackles on IR, Elie injured, Slam Dunk contestants, games
- January 18 - DWood signed,
EWilliams on IR, HJames signed, AAmaya activated, RManning on IR, games
- January 19 - KAnderson and
GGlass for KGill and KReeves trade, JHoward and BColes fined and
suspended, RSlater signed, SRoberts activated, MSealy injured, CMorris on
IR, AToolson signed, games
- January 20 - Games
- January 21 - GSutton signed, games
- January 22 - AGoldwire signed,
ShootAround participants, games
- January 23 - MJordan Player of
the Week, MSmith activated, BHouston on IR, KReeves on IR, RMahorn activated,
AToolson to Greece, Olympic practice schedule, games
- January 24 - draft in New
Jersey, DSchrempf activated, SScheffler on IR, SWilliams surgery,
SGourdine fired, GKarl and PJackson All-Star coaches, games
- January 25 - All-Star starters, games
- January 26 - EWilliams
activated, DSmith on IR, RGrandison signed, games
- January 27 - THill activated,
JCourtney on IR, KGattison on IR, RManning activated, RSlater released,
TBest activiated, FHoiberg on IR, Magic rumor, games
- January 28 - One game
- January 29 - Magic returns,
FRoberts on IR, JSalley buy out of contract, Legends Shootout
participants, VMaxwell sentenced, games
- January 30 - BBeard fined,
THardaway fined, SO'Neal fined, HGrant activated, DArmstrong on IR,
All-Star reserves, RMiller Player of the Week, GSutton signed, RRobinson
signed, MPrice injured, games
- January 31 - HJames signed,
AGoldwire signed, SRusconi released, MCurry signed, MMacon on IR, GMinor
activated, JRReid activated, DDemps on IR, games
Patricia Bender
Not affiliated with or representing anyone besides myself.