Macro Generator

Macrogen is the program that creates the exported files. The exported files are called macros. The macros have the ability to accept different measurements so the pattern can be adjusted to fit. Macros are executed by PatternMaker. (Many computer programs have macros that exist in a digital, sharable format. For example, Microsoft Word and Excel have the ability to export macros for sharing.) So, to run a macro you need the PatternMaker program.

Macro files can be sent as email attachments to other PatternMaker users.

For Designers: Sell your clothing line as PatternMaker macros

Manufacturers: Program in your house fitting system, and reuse the code for each new design

The PatternMaker macro language is a fully functional programming language. The range of possible patterns is not limited to a particular set of garments, or pieces, or fitting logic or even a set of measurements to base it on. All of these things can be rewritten as the programmer sees fit. (Different flat pattern drafting methods, for instance, are based on different ways to measure the human body, so we let you define whatever set of measurements your method uses. When you create the dialog box to prompt the user for these measurements, you can include illustrations to show how to take them.) In fact, a macro doesn’t even have to make a pattern at all. At Patternmaker Software, we write macro programs for such non-pattern tasks as mathematical calculations, and initializing program settings.

Acessible Flat Pattern Programming

MacroGen is a visual programming tool specially designed for programming flat pattern drafting techniques. You don’t write lines of code; rather, you construct a project that resembles a how-to schematic for a particular pattern. Checking and editing your work is efficient and natural. By creating and reusing project files, you not only save the difficult repeat work of calculating key points, you also ensure that all the garments in your clothing line follow the same fitting logic. The ultimate output of MacroGen is a macro file that can be run in PatternMaker or distributed to customers with the PatternMaker Pattern Viewer.


  • Create a list of measurement prompts to guide the user
  • Save calculations in internal variables
  • Define math calculations for the marked points, using measurements as inputs
  • Use more than 15 built-in math formulas including distance, scaling, intersections of curves, and more
  • Mark points (calculate X and Y values)
  • Add dialog boxes to prompt users for choices
  • View logical branches of “If” logic in MacroGen.
  • Draw a pattern based on the calculated points
  • Jump between logical branches with ease
  • Sell macro files online

When your customer purchases a macro:

  • Garments you designed are custom-drafted for the customer’s own measurements
  • Customers can print and sew the results

How MacroGen Works

Set up the necessary measurements

  • Create a list of variables for live-subject measurements
  • Use any measurement units you want
  • Create a custom draft of your pattern based on measurements provided by the user

Enter points that outline the pattern piece

  • Add points using X,Y coordinates in a grid system
  • Use your measurement variables to position new points (Point B is “center back length” away from Point A)
  • Save calculated points and internal values as named variables
  • Extensive “Add Point” options make mathematical calculations look like drafting on paper: find a midpoint, continue a line, draw right angle, etc.
  • Use any drafting system/fitting system you want to lay out your pattern

Organize advanced macro features

  • Set up style options like neckline or sleeve variations
  • Set up conditions to automatically change the patterns:
    • based on measurements (if Waist Circumference is between xx and yy, draw one dart instead of two)
    • based on previously-selected options (skip the “Sleeve Cuff Style” option if the user selected short sleeves)

Create pattern objects and edit in PatternMaker

  • Connect the dots to create pattern objects from the points you’ve calculated.
  • Send the objects to PatternMaker and move points, cut objects, slash-and-spread, etc. MacroGen can capture actions you take within PatternMaker and turn them into macro code. Operations like rotating a piece remain natural–they don’t turn into tricky trigonometry problems for the programmer.
  • Save time by creating your basic pattern in MacroGen and then editing the details in PatternMaker

Customize the appearance

  • Add your own images (illustrations, etc) to dialog boxes
  • Internationalization: Add a translation table so that your macro will run in your own language

