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comp.lang.c FAQ list · Question 7.30

Q: Is it legal to pass a null pointer as the first argument to realloc? Why would you want to?

A: ANSI C sanctions this usage (and the related realloc(..., 0), which frees), although several earlier implementations do not support it, so it may not be fully portable. Passing an initially-null pointer to realloc can make it easier to write a self-starting incremental allocation algorithm.

Here is an example--this function reads an arbitrarily-long line into dynamically-allocated memory, reallocating the input buffer as necessary. (The caller must free the returned pointer when it is no longer needed.)

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

/* read a line from fp into malloc'ed memory */
/* returns NULL on EOF or error */
/* (use feof or ferror to distinguish) */

char *agetline(FILE *fp)
	char *retbuf = NULL;
	size_t nchmax = 0;
	register int c;
	size_t nchread = 0;
	char *newbuf;

	while((c = getc(fp)) != EOF) {
		if(nchread >= nchmax) {
			nchmax += 20;
			if(nchread >= nchmax) {	/* in case nchmax overflowed */
				return NULL;
			newbuf = realloc(retbuf, nchmax + 1);
			if(retbuf == NULL)	/* in case pre-ANSI realloc */
				newbuf = malloc(nchmax + 1);
			else	newbuf = realloc(retbuf, nchmax + 1);
						/* +1 for \0 */
			if(newbuf == NULL) {
				return NULL;

			retbuf = newbuf;

		if(c == '\n')

		retbuf[nchread++] = c;

	if(retbuf != NULL) {
		retbuf[nchread] = '\0';

		newbuf = realloc(retbuf, nchread + 1);
		if(newbuf != NULL)
			retbuf = newbuf;

	return retbuf;
(In production code, a line like nchmax += 20 can prove troublesome, as the function may do lots of reallocating. Many programmers favor multiplicative reallocation, e.g. nchmax *= 2, although it obviously isn't quite as self-starting, and can run into problems if it has to allocate a huge array but memory is limited.)

References: ISO Sec.
H&S Sec. 16.3 p. 388

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