2.2. Graphical User Interface

In a visual, graphical user interface environment, you will typically be able to perform all three steps from within your compiler's user interface. To type in your program, you'll open a new or existing source code window, which will be a lot like a text editor, but tailored for the typing in and editing of C code. (For example, the editor may attempt to automatically indent your if statements and loops for you.) To compile your program, you'll press a button or select a menu entry saying ``Compile'' (or perhaps ``Run''). Finally, to run your program, you may be able to use a ``Run'' button or menu entry, in which case the compiler will open another new window in which your program will run, where its output will appear, and where you will be able to type any input which your program might request. Alternatively, your compiler may be able to generate standalone executables which you then invoke either by double-clicking on their icons, or by typing their names in some command-line window (e.g. a ``DOS box'').

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