Fiction and
other writing
Most of the writing here is by Christine and is here for your enjoyment.
Much (although not all) of it is of an adult nature and these are noted
in the description. Anyone reading any of these stories is assumed
to be at least 18 years old, and not the sort of person to be offended by
a little sex or violence. Anyone proceeding past this point agrees
not to read any of the stories marked "Mature Readers only" if they are easy
or under 18.
All of the Fan Fiction includes names, places and characters which
are trademarks and have been copyrighted by other people. The publishing
here of these stories is not meant to be a challenge to those trademarks
and copyrights. They are printed here because of our love for and the
enjoyment that those characters have given us, and we can't stand to see
them sit idlely by and not have more exciting adventures.
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Fiction and other Writing / Copyright 1996 - Tim Morgan