China 1999

This is my experience in China in the Summer of 1999. If you came to this webpage first, it's better if you start from the beginning of the story.


6/30/99 Forbidden City Sundial, Beijing
Did you know the sundial was a Chinese invention? Here is an example of stone and metal sundial complete with Chinese characters. In fact, there are two slightly different examples of these stone and metal sundials in the Forbidden City.

When I was here 10 years ago, the sundials were at ground level and people could get close enough to touch them and even read the Chinese characters. Now they have the sundials on elevated stone pedestals with a metal fence around the pedestals! Not good for public access.

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China 1999

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Last updated : October 21, 1999
Copyright 1999 Al Wong, Los Angeles, California, USA
All Rights Reserved