Red Rock Eater News Service

The Red Rock Eater News Service (RRE) is the Internet's most respected source of news and information about the social and political aspects of computing and networking. Now entering its third year of operation, RRE is a mailing list that consists of whatever its editor, Phil Agre, finds interesting. No clutter, no flaming, no endless discussions, no subscription fees. Just a steady trickle (five or ten messages a week at most) of useful materials filtered from a wide range of different sources.

To subscribe to RRE, send a message that looks like this:

            Subject: subscribe firstname lastname

For more information about RRE, send a message like so:

            Subject: help

Or check out the RRE web pages at:

Read what others have said about RRE....

Of the many mailing lists that I subscribe to, RRE provides the most consistently interesting and useful content. The information on the RRE list comprises a diverse cross-section of technical, political, and privacy related subjects, most directly relevant to anyone interested in electronic communication/community.
  Gregg R. Siegfried
  Director, System & Network Engineering
  Claircom Communications
  Seattle, Washington, USA.

Phil Agre is the only person who furnishes information about the Net that is not just technically and politically, but socially, savvy. I wouldn't do without the Red Rock Eater for keeping up with what's happening, and what it all means.
  Howard Rheingold
  author, The Virtual Community
  Mill Valley, CA

Thank you for RRE! A lot of electronic communication is ephemeral. Your material I save and re-read, think over what you are saying, test it out against my understanding of how the world works. The difference is like that between white bread bought from a supermarket and a good light-rye sourdough bought from a wood-fired bakery. Much chewier, and much healthier!
  Andrew Treloar
  School of Computing and Mathematics
  Deakin University
  Melbourne, Australia

Highest signal-to-noise ratio around! l find RRE to be consistently high-quality and a useful way to find out about other sources of information I hadn't already known about.
  Alan Wexelblat
  Intelligent Agents Group
  MIT Media Lab

The Red Rock Eater News Service provides me with a small number of highly focused articles about the relationship of telecommunications and the social consequences of telecommunications. This kind of high quality information stream allows me to know more about these types of issues with less work filtering thru the noise of the random newslist. I wish that there were more services like this on other related topics.
  John Sechrest
  Executive Director
  Computer Science Outreach Services
  Oregon State University
  Corvallis Oregon

Red Rock Eater cuts through the intellectual spam and delivers the real meat of the Internet. If you need to know not only what happened yesterday, but what is happening now and what may well happen in the future, Red Rock Eater will spark insights, feed intuition, and keep you entertained as well. It's all content; no hype. Subscribe now and read it every day.
  Peyton Stafford
  Peyton Stafford Associates
  Portland, Oregon

I find the Red Rock Eater list to be a concise and intelligently edited journal of informative articles and forwarded posts from every far flung corner of the Net, with a ratio of delights to clunkers running about 6 to 4. This is far from faint praise. I belong to several lists, ranging from home educating to Tibetan Buddhism, and the amount of thought provocation is higher on RRE than any other list I to which I subscribe.
  Ronald Morgan
  San Francisco, Ca.

I have been reading RRE ever since a friend sent me your piece about the Oklahoma City bombing, and I've found the list to be the net's single greatest source of items I feel compelled to forward to others.
  Patrick Nielsen Hayden
  senior editor, Tor Books
  New York, New York

I have found RRE to be especially useful in filtering socio- political developments in the US on telecommunications and NII policy. As a foreign journalist in a country experiencing rapid expansion from an already large base of Internet users, US developments affect us in major ways. Concise reportage on significant manoeuvres is vital to my work.

One series of bulletins I found outstanding was the coverage of the Time 'cyberporn' cover story and the ensuing fallout. Posting critical documents to the listserv saved me hours trolling through Usenet group.

  Dan Tebbutt
  Contributing Editor
  LAN Magazine (Australia/New Zealand)

I think the service you provide is a very useful one to the Net community and I rely upon it as a source of useful and timely information about current issues and off-beat topics that I would not otherwise think about if not for seeing them in my emailbox from your server.

Your service has a high signal to noise ratio -- in fact very little noise. Perhaps, too much signal sometimes as one has to slow down and actually read instead of scan the text on the screen.

  Peter F. Harter
  Executive Director & General Counsel
  The National Public Telecomputing Network

The Red Rock Eater News Service is an excellent institution. Much of the information I can use in my lectures -- and I have often given articles from RRE to students for investigation and inclusion in their papers.
  Peter Gorny
  Informatics Department
  C. v. Ossietzky University Oldenburg

As a community activist in rural telecommunications access, I find RRE to be the timeliest, most focused, and most concise source of information on potholes in the vaporway.
  Dave W. Mitchell
  Acting Executive
  Oregon Coast Rural Information Service Cooperative

The philosophy of human rights in cyberspace, which was made widely available in RRE, contributed to liberalizing of access to the Internet in Israel.
  Omer Zak
  Datacomm Coordinator
  Association of the Deaf in Israel

As a freelance writer on Internet-related subjects I have found your service to be invaluable. I write for Denmark's second largest daily newspaper, Politiken, whose Computer-section published each Thursday is read by ca 10 % of the Danish population. Thanks to the Red Rock Eater News Service I have been able to monitor the important issues concerning the Internet and have often relied on your coverage in order to get a full view of the individual story.

Keep up the good work!

  Jesper Vissing Laursen
  Freelance writer

The Red Rock Eater News Service has become a valuable source of the information I need to know but don't usually seek. Phil Agre manages to generate a high "save to delete ratio," the ultimate measure of list value.
  Barry Orton
  Professor of Telecommunications
  University of Wisconsin-Madison

I have subscribed to many lists that deal with issues of politics and policy in the area of high technology, but RRE is the only one to survive my latest purge.

RRE has lots of content but doesn't beat issues to death. Phil Agre is a good editor: he selects well, and he adds useful analysis without bombast. He is a serious student of the issues. I have no trouble discerning his viewpoint, but when he tells me something, I never feel that he's twisted it to conform to an ideology.

  Richard Mateosian
  Freelance Technical Writer
  Berkeley, California

The Red Rock Eater News Service consistently delivers a thoughtful and eclectic mix of information drawn from a wide variety of sources on how new forms of communication are influencing society.
  Brian Kushnir
  Senior Research Executive
  Tokyo, Japan

I have found the Red Rock Eater mailing list a very useful, fruitful, and entertaining source of information for my research projects.
  Ellis Weinberger
  Senior Library Assistant
  School of Oriental and African Studies
  University of London

I appreciate the service you provide. I like the eclectic mix of philosophy, politics, internet culture, and technology theory. I am subscribed to several lists and email newsletters and I find yours the single most useful list. It doesn't flood my mailbox, I don't have to weed out reams of useless information. It's great.
  Niall O Dochartaigh (Dr.)
  Research Officer - INCORE (Initiative on Conflict Resolution and Ethnicity)
  United Nations University/University of Ulster
  N. Ireland

Posted to the Red Rock Eater newsservice by Phil Agre on August 12, 1995. Reposted with permission.