April 2016 NBA Dailys
- April 30 KMartin act, JSimmons
IL, games
- April 29 LWalton LAL coach,
PHairston act, SHawes IL, games
- April 28 SHawes out, games
- April 27 WEllington
Citizenship award, NBatum act, PHairston IL, AVarejao act, SCurry IL,
AGoudelock act, TJones IL, BDawson and CWilcox act, CPaul and BGriffin IL,
TJohnson act, BWeber IL, declared list, games
- April 26 SKerr CoY, CPaul
surgery, BGriffin injured, SBrooks Was coach, games
- April 25 DCasey RTomjanovich
award, SCurry out, CPaul injured, NMohammed act, JHuestis IL, games
- April 24 RWestbrook fined,
KDurant fined, BScott fired, KOlynyk act, JHolland IL, SCurry act,
AVarejao IL, AMiller act, KMartin IL, games
- April 23 MConley Sportsmanship
award, MSmart fined, AHarrison act, NBatum IL, games
- April 22 CMcColllum MIP,
DHillard act, RBullock IL, JSimmons act, AMiller IL, games
- April 21 Games
- April 20 TThibodeau Min coach,
SLayden Min GM, games
- April 19 JCrawford 6th Man,
EWatson Pho coach, JHolland and JYoung act, ABradley and KOlynyk IL,
AMiller act, JSimmons IL, games
- April 18 KLeonard DPoY,
JMcAdoo act, SCurry IL, TJones act, AGoudelock IL, CPayne act, NMohammad
IL, games
- April 17 KAtkinson Bro coach,
Cha IL, Cle IL, Det IL, LAC IL, Mem IL, Mia IL, Por IL, SA IL,
tiebreakers, games
- April 16 Atl IL, Bos IL, Dal
IL, GS IL, Hou IL, Ind IL, OKC IL, Tor IL, games
- April 14 JHarden and LJames
PoMs, KTowns and NPowell RoMs, DRivers and FVogel CoMs, GKarl fired,
RWittman fired
- April 13 LBrown signed, DJones
signed, SMitchell fired, JAdams act, JMickey act, JYoung IL, CZeller act,
NBatum IL, IShumpert IL, JMeeks act, RJackson IL, LBarbosa act, IClark IL,
MHarrell act, TJones IL, RChristmas act, IMahinmi IL, BDawson act, JRedick
IL, AGordon act, VOladipo IL, OCasspi act, DCousins IL, BDiaw act, TDuncan
IL, TPleiss act, RGobert IL, games
- April 12 DWright signed,
PPierce act, JCrawford IL, SWhittington act, CMiles IL, NMohammed act,
SIbaka IL, TDuncan act, MGinobili IL, LScola and DWright act, JJohnson and
BCaboclo IL, games
- April 11 Towns and PMillsap
PoWs, JHolland signed, BCotton signed, BWeber signed, JHoliday surgery,
AHarrison act, CZeller IL, JHuestis act, NMohammed IL, DGooden act, BBeal
and MMorris IL, games
- April 10 BColangelo Phi
president, JLamb act, AHarrison IL, DArthur act, ABogut act, LBarbosa IL,
ARivers and WJohnson act, BDawson and PPierce IL, MGinobili act, TDunan
IL, DCarroll and DDeRozan act, LScola and DWright IL, games
- April 9 JEnnis signed, MLeonard
surgery, JYoung act, JMickey IL, EMoore act, CBairstow IL, LJames act,
MWilliams IL, JMcAdoo act, ABogut IL, ARoberson act, JHuestis IL, DDukan
act, OCasspi IL, games
- April 8 LBrown released,
BKnight surgery, NBatum act, JLamb IL, DArthur IL, ETurner act, JYoung IL,
TLawson act, SWhittington IL, SNapier act, AGordon IL, BMarjanovic act,
MGinobili IL, JJohnson and BCaboclo act, DCarroll and DDeRozan IL, ABurks
act, TPleiss IL, AAnderson act, DGooden IL, games
- April 7 XMunford signed,
RHollins released, IClark act, JMcAdoo IL, OCasspi act, DDukan IL,
JSimmons act, BMarjanovic IL, DCarroll act, JJohnson IL, games
- April 6 HSims signed, CWood
signed, SHinkie resigned, JYoung and ABradley act, ETurner IL, BLopez and
WReed IL, SKaun act, LJames IL, SWhittington act, TLawson IL, PPierce and
BDawson act, WJohnson and ARivers IL, LNance act, NYoung IL, JHuestis act,
ARoberson IL, CWatson act, SNapier IL, JHickson act, JWall IL, games
- April 5 RWestbrook and LJames
PoMs, KTowns and JRichardson RoMs, JHamilton signed, AJefferson act,
NBatum IL, DRose act, EMoore IL, KIrving act, SKaun IL, AIguodala act,
IClark IL, NYoung act, LNance IL, MBonner act, BDiaw IL, KLowry act, games
- April 4 JBarea and LJames PoWs,
Hall of Fame inductees
- April 3 ABradley IL, PHairston
act, AJefferson IL, SKaun act, KIrving IL, FEzeli act, BGriffin act,
PPierce IL, MWorld Peace act, NYoung IL, SNapier act, CWatson IL, DGooden
act, JHickson IL, games
- April 2 CBairstow act, DRose
IL, JNurkic act, CKaman act, CAlexander IL, DDukan act, OCasspi IL,
AMiller and DWest act, JSimmons and MBonner IL, KLowry IL, games
- April 1 SKerr and SClifford
CoMs, JRandle fined, BCotton signed, RMcCallum released, RHollis-Jefferson
act, TYoung IL, CEarly act, JCalderon IL, EMoreland act, MBelinelli IL,
JEddie act, DGooden IL, games
Patricia Bender
Not affiliated with or representing anyone besides myself.