1996 What's New?
What's New Al's Wild Web Page

December 15, 1996
  1. Put up a cool Christmas wreath before you enter my main Web page! Ah, the wonders of PhotoShop! It's about time I caught up with the holidays.

  2. Did some updating in my Computer Page. Reorganized my computer related work by category. Also cut down on redundant links so the text doesn't look so busy.

December 8, 1996
  1. Welcome to my new home page! Those of you who have visited here before will notice I have made a massive reorganization of my web page. Basically simplified and tried for aesthetic elegance. I was going to implement a client-side clickable map but, since only the Netscape browser truly supports this, I decided to wait until more browsers come up to par. (The other 20-30% of the Web.) In the meantime, I compromised with clickable buttons.

    Merged quite a few pages/links together. Decided to let the legal auditing page be a subsection of my computer page. Also decided to merge my public service announcements and random writings together. My picture in Cebu is now under my personal interests section. My friends links are now merged with the rest of my links. Deleted out a few minor pages too.

    I have also added quite a bit of new material. I've been wanting to add this stuff for a while now but didn't have the time until recently. It's more of my oddness surfacing. My web page is now mirrored in three other places. Ask Mona.

    The idea of my new page was to explore and discover so I won't tell exactly where the new stuff is located. The new highlights includes:

    1. New graphics everywhere!
    2. My web page in Klingonese!
    3. My lecture notes for the Introduction to the Internet class I am teaching is now on-line.

    Actually this What's New page felt most of the changes. I think I have updated most links but there may be a few broken links because of the reorganization.

    Please note these web pages are copyrighted. This includes all graphics and text. If you wish to use something from these pages, ask for written permission first.

November 17, 1996
  1. In my top web page, finally got around to adding a visitor counter. IAudit is just not reliable.

November 14, 1996
  1. In my Public Service Announcements, and review of the MaxTech 753 notebook computer, added a second addendum, TCC Computer Store: I Get Some Compensation. I didn't get what I thought was fair and they were rude to me too. So I cannot recommend this computer store.

  2. [SIRCED03 CD Cover] In Web Pages Al Has Created and/or Maintains, added a graphic thumbnail for the new educational CD-ROM I created for the SIR-C missions. The connection may be a little slow because the HTML information is being read from a CD drive! So please be patient.

November 13, 1996
  1. In Web Pages Al Has Created and/or Maintains, added a new link. Not exactly a new web page but a new educational CD-ROM I created for the SIR-C missions. The connection may be a little slow because the HTML information is being read from a CD drive! So please be patient.

November 12, 1996
  1. In my Public Service Announcements, and review of the MaxTech 753 notebook computer, I added an addendum, TCC Computer Store: The Fast Advertisement and the Shady Deal. They were not being totally honest with me. A must read!

November 9, 1996
  1. Added a new article for my random writings. This one took me longer to write than I thought. MEGS-O-RAM describes what I did to configure memory when I upgraded my notebook computer to 40 MB of RAM. I wished a similar article existed when I needed it!

November 3, 1996
  1. Added a few new articles for my random writings. The first article is How Do I Stop Unwanted Junk Email?! is mainly for newbies. I'm surprised nothing has been written before that addresses this subject as I've been asked one too many times about this. The second one is Net Advertising Tips. The explanation why you shouldn't spam is buried too deep in Usenet and is not readily accessible to the newbie advertiser. I suspect this one of the reasons is why email spamming is blooming so fast.

  2. In my reviews of the US Robotics Sportster Voice faxmodem and the US Robotics Courier V.everything faxmodem, I include a table of comparison between the two products.

October 31, 1996
  1. Changed most of my web pages. Especially reorganized my Public Service Announcements. The reviews are now organized by category rather than chronologically reversed. This should make a given review easier to find.

  2. Updated my Computer page to reflect what I'm currently doing. Added cool animated GIF.

  3. Added a new page for my random writings. These writings were hard to find before.

October 28, 1996
  1. In my Public Service Announcements, added several reviews including the US Robotics Sportster Voice faxmodem, the US Robotics Courier V.everything faxmodem and my bad experience with the CDW computer catalog service.

October 12, 1996
  1. In my Public Service Announcements, added a review of my new MaxTech 753 notebook computer.

September 28, 1996
  1. In my Public Service Announcements, added another (and final!) segment to my comedy with IBM called, I Get My Refund At Last!

  2. In my Computer page, updated what I'm currently doing.

August 27, 1996
  1. In my Public Service Announcements, added another (and hopefully final) segment to my comedy with IBM called, My Day in Court

  2. In my Computer page, updated what I'm currently doing.

July 25, 1996
  1. In my Wild Friends, Computer and Hallucination Pages, updated the Photoshop link. Adobe keeps changing their website around.

  2. In Webbing the Night Away, added new link for current movie showtimes.

  3. Updated the article on my hallucination experience.

  4. Updated my LED applet to say Celebrating my SECOND YEAR on the Web rather than FIRST ANNIVERSARY. The anniversary date is long past.

July 20, 1996
  1. In My Other Interests Page, added a new description describing the recent SAM 1996 convention in Las Vegas, NV I just came back last week. It was a lot of fun! Also copied my experience of the SAM 1995 convention in Boston, MA into a separate page.

  2. In My What's Wild Page, added a description of my hallucination experience during my recent illness.

  3. Made miscellaneous corrections in spelling, grammar and updated a few links.

June 28, 1996
  1. In my Public Service Announcements, added a review of my new HP ScanJet 4P flatbed scanner. Also updated my awful experience with IBM. Read about the most current episode of this comedy: IBM Customer Relationship Management: Responding to my BBB Complaint.

  2. In My Other Interests Page, added a new web page describing my vacation to Hong Kong! I just came back a few weeks ago. I had a blast!

May 7, 1996
  1. In my Public Service Announcements, added a new segment to my comedy with IBM, IBM Customer Relationship Management: Trying to Cover-up (Nice Try, IBM)

  2. In Web Pages Al Has Created and/or Maintains, added a return link back to my Computer Page. I should have done this when I first set up this page.

April 28, 1996
  1. Created a new subpage, Web Pages Al Has Created and/or Maintains, to show off what I've been doing! Also added a link to this page in my Computer Page.

  2. In my Public Service Announcements, added another segment to my comedy with IBM, IBM Customer Relationship Management: No One Home

  3. Updated My Wild Friends Page and my Other Interests Page to the new Magic Castle link.

April 24, 1996
  1. In my Computer Page, added a link to the Red Cross-JPL World Watch page which I recently created. It has all kinds of cool stuff including regional disaster preparedness information, clickable maps, radar pictures, a nifty interactive quiz, pictures you can print out and color, etc. You'll need Netscape 2.01 to use the client-side clickable maps though.

  2. Added the IAudit web page counter and statistics service to my Public Service Announcements and my review, The Authorized IBM Service Dealer: Connecting Point computer store (Must read! They were so incompetent and apathetic it was incredible!) I'm curious as to how often these pages are accessed.

April 22, 1996
  1. In Public Service Announcements, added yet another comedic scene under IBM fumblings, IBM's Customer Relations Dept: More Excuses and Delays.

April 16, 1996
  1. In Public Service Announcements, I changed the review titles related to my experience with the Pasadena Connecting Point computer store and IBM's repair service. Check out The Authorized IBM Service Dealer: Connecting Point computer store, IBM: They Don't Care About The Customer and IBM's EasyServ: A Comedy of Errors to read about IBM's further fumblings.

April 9, 1996
  1. In Public Service Announcements, added more material, IBM: They Don't Care About The Customer, to my awful experience with Connecting Point computer store. Also added a copy of my receipt (223K GIF) from this place.

April 6, 1996
  1. In Public Service Announcements, added review of the Thinkpad 701C and my awful experience with Connecting Point computer store.

March 24, 1996
  1. In My Wild Friends Page, added a link for Nancy.

  2. Updated my Computer Page adding the Red Cross work.

  3. Changed the position of the LED silent radio display on my main page.

March 18, 1996
  1. Updated my Computer Page describing my third work contract at JPL!

  2. To celebrate my first year anniversary on the Web, I added a cool Java applet on my main page. It's an LED silent radio display! The only problem is you will need Netscape 2.01 to see it and applets will not run on all platforms. I discovered Java applets will run on Sun Solaris and Dec Alpha systems but not on IBM-PC (w/ Windows 3.1) or Macintosh even though Netscape 2.01 running on all of them. Very inconsistent of Netscape Communications. Also enhanced the picture frame around my Cebu picture too.

February 26, 1996
  1. Tweaked my Legal Auditing page.

February 8, 1996
  1. Replaced main page with a blacked out censorship page in protest of the Communications Decency Act which was passed by the US Congress and signed into law by President Clinton today.

  2. In Public Service Announcements, corrected link to email msg for Speak Freely review.

  3. In Webbing the Night Away, corrected links to Nanotechnology and Freebies.

January 4, 1996
  1. Updated most pages to reflect the change to 1996.

  2. In Webbing the Night Away, added Channel 2 News and the Moan and Groan Page.

  3. In My Wild Friends Page, added link for Bob.
What's New

Last updated: April 30, 2001
Copyright 1995-1996 by Al Wong, Los Angeles, California, USA