Teddy Roosevelt, Wildlife Conservationist

President Theodore Roosevelt showed extraordinary leadership in 1903 in setting aside Pelican Island in Florida as a refuge for egrets, pelicans, and terns. This was the beginning of the wildlife refuge system. Roosevelt's efforts during the early 20th century marked the beginning of international regulations to protect migratory birds.

Compare Teddy Roosevelt with Janet Reno.

"The significance of Roosevelt's leadership lay in his use of high office to curb private greed and power in a day when Americans were disturbed by the abuses of big business, the waste of the nation's natural resources, and the threatened loss of traditional values. He elevated the presidency to a level it had not reached since the time of Abraham Lincoln."

Robert F. Wesser http://www.grolier.com/presidents/aae/bios/26proos.html

It is the establishment of systems that compels followers and defines leadership. Teddy Roosevelt's daughter, Alice, once said of her celebrated parent: "My father always wanted to be the corpse at every funeral, the bride at every wedding, and the baby at every christening." Based on this information what is Roosevelt's likely decision making style?

For more see http://cgi.pathfinder.com/time/time100/leaders/profile/troosevelt.html






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