Decision Tree

A decision tree is a map of the reasoning process. It can be used to explain why a question is being asked. The following decision tree assumes that questions are answered with a certain yes or no. A tree that allows answering with a partial yes or no would have a much larger number of end nodes. In real world problems, the intuition of a human expert, or expert system software, is necessary to determine the likely end node. Each end node represents a situation with known effective and efficient leadership styles. Unless otherwise noted, NO is down and YES is up. Click on the end node for a description of the efficient style. Click on the question nodes for a full description of what is being aske d. Right mouse click or use your browser's back function to return to this page.

The above diagram is for public use. Select the decision tree by positioning the cursor over the tree and then click the right mouse button to copy it. Site the source as: - last update 4 October 1999.

See also






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The most efficient leadership style is the first autocratic  style.